All 2009 books are $9.99 from 8/1 to 8/10. Click here to place an order:
Archive for July, 2009
Wednesday, July 29th, 2009ALDIS
Red or Green grapes – 69 cents per lb.
Blueberries – 89 cents – pint
Cherries – 99 cents per lb.
Bananas – 39 cents per lb.
Don’t buy produce at stores that have hardly any produce items on sale and by that I also mean a good sale price. Aldi’s always has great produce prices and the quality is good. Same with Marcs. For cheaper produce use lawn clippings for your salad along with acorns from the neighborhood.
Carrots – 89 cents
Corn 10/$2
Mushrooms – 89 cents
Crayons – 1 cent – while supplies last
Sure enough as I posted last week that the register rewards program stinks I encountered another problem. I realized after I left the store last week that they didn’t hand me over the register rewards. I called and they said to come back and they’ll take care of it. Turns out the Manager said that since I already used a manufacturers coupon, that is why they didn’t print out. What!? I used two coupons that were on the Rembrandt toothpaste and got the free after register rewards G2 pens. I also used a $5 register reward from the previous week. He said something about since the price was altered with the manufacturers coupon I wouldn’t get the register rewards. I told him it worked before and that I had gotten them. No dice. And what a crock. I said where does it say that? He said in the ad in small print. I looked and nothing. Needless to say I wanted to take this to a higher court.
At CVS their extra bucks can be used with store coupons and manufacturers coupons on the same item. At Walgreens you can get around it by buying stuff that you don’t match up with a coupon, but that is annoying. For instance, I could’ve bought two more items with the order above and it would print the two register rewards.
I called their customer service number and spoke with a gal about it. She said someone would contact me. I also mentioned how their old rebate program was better. I have a bit of news. They said that there is a new program coming that is supposed to be better, like the rebate program. So maybe this crud register rewards program will go by the wayside. Give us our freebies here and there and don’t make all these complicated rules about what coupons you can use and what you get for them and how many can be used. It’s turned off enough people that they don’t shop there anymore. The reason they cancelled the rebate program is because a new VP wanted to do away with it. Well, he sure put is ugly pawmark on this register rewards program. Because right now it’s more like wALLGREEDs.
80% off extended until 7/31! – get $25 gift certificates for $2 – use code NAPKIN. Check it out if you haven’t before.
Click here:
I knew someone that was a maestro on the flutophone. Not that it’s me, of course. Summer is a great time for parades, so they would look for an opening in the parade procession and join in. They would try not to get behind the horses though. They stink and leave reminders of their meals on the road which make for tricky marching steps. But the moves look real cool since they look improvised. Anyway, sometimes we all feel like we want to be at the front of the parade, but end up being in the back. But the back of the parade is where you might find some candy left by the candy-throwing clowns and politicians. It makes for great candy to give away on Halloween. Just beware of any candy in the horse chocolate.
Just as they were ready to start low-fare service out of Toledo they decided to close up shop. They couldn’t get a berth at the Newark airport and that helped end the startup.
Read this article from the Cleveland Fed that points some myths out about the housing mortgage mess. Also read the comments below the story. Too many people are believing the rhetoric and not the facts.
CVS Free after extrabucks:
CVS tampons – 10 count
Good until Tuesday:
Caliber Composition Book – limit 2
Caliber/CVS erasers or push pins – limit 2
Caliber Index or Pencil Case – limit 2
Pilot Easytouch pen 2 pack – limit 2
Swingline Tot stapler or Claiber sticky notes – limit 2
Look for Autofill coupon booklets at the pharmacy containing dollar off purchase coupons:
Here is a list of what will be in them:
Two $4 off $20 purchase coupons
$4 off $20 Diet or Nutrition products coupon
$4 off $20 Facial Skin products coupon
$3 off $12 Eye Care products coupon
$2 off $10 Vitamin purchase coupon
$2 off $10 Allergy products coupon
$2 off $10 Oral Care products coupon
K-MART Kmart will do Super Super Doubles – doubling coupons of $2 and less – from Sunday, August 16 to Saturday, August 22nd in Ohio & PA with a purchase of $25 or more in grocery and drugstore merchandise. The rules are annoying. The $25 minimum is before tax and coupons. You may only purchase 4 of the same item using double coupons. Excludes Buy One, Get One offers, Kmart Savings coupons and Kmart Store coupons. The KMart savings coupons used to double. Limit 10 coupons per customer per day. Additional coupons will be honored, just not doubled.
Advertise in their classifieds for 9 lines for 9 days at $9.99. Items must total $1,000 or less. Call 1-800-947-2737 or classifieds@news-herald.com.
Grab a cup of coffee and your favorite corncob pipe for this one. It’s a long and winding write-up.
Red Plum/Valassis sued Smart Source/News America for $1.5 billion on some marketing/pricing issues. The verdict came out this week and Red Plum was awarded $300 million. It was appealed, so we’ll see what happens from there. The stock for Valassis was around $1 at the beginning of the year. It was in the $7 range before the verdict and jumped to around $11 something before settling in the $8 range. Depending on how it goes it could have some ramifications on coupons. What is interesting is that I got deposed for this court case. I got involved due to another lawsuit versus those two.
Smart Source/News America sued Red Plum/Valassis for defamation of character due to some postings were tied to Valassis’ server on the site I’m involved with called http://www.BringBackTheCoupons.com. The site was a grassroots effort to get Red Plum/Valassis to change their mind about mailing coupons to households instead of putting their coupons in the newspaper. Check out the site for more info and for customer feedback. The New York Post almost printed a story about the site.
A VP from Valissis posted on the site. Soon after he contacted me because he felt I was reasonable and he wanted to chat about the issue. And then after that posts with the name Max and Jane with a slant that said our site was financed by News America and other rants which weren’t true were posted. We then found out that those posts were coming from someone sending it from a Valassis server. Hence the lawsuit by News America. News America then wanted me to be a character witness for the $1.5 billion dollar case.
I got subpoenaed. How exciting. I got a visit from the Sheriff. I wasn’t home, so he had to tape the subpoena on my front door. I then had to go to the Sheriff’s office to pick up the paperwork. I expected to be in line with some miscreants, but none were to be found. Miscreants in line with you can be fun because they have interesting stories they tell out loud.
After some annoying back and forth with the date and time of when I could be deposed we met for a deposition at a lawyer’s office downtown. The deposition took 3 hours. At times it was like two kids fighting each other with the way the lawyers attacked each other. I thought I was going to have to be a peacemaker and spray a garden hose on them to calm them down. They had a court reporter there typing every word I said. Now that I think of it I should’ve talked super fast and nonsensically just to see if she could keep up. I think I was more amused by the lawyers that I didn’t have time to think about other things to amuse myself.
I was then set to fly to Detroit for the case. Then the date kept getting pushed back. Finally News America felt that due to the jurors losing focus they decided to hold off on using character witnesses with me being one of them. We already had the flight picked out and all, so all went by the wayside.
However, the defamation case is still live and I’ll have to go to New York for that. I wonder if I should wear a The Coupon Guy uniform to the trial. I’ll attempt to use my special coupon powers for the good of mankind. Maybe I’ll get those two companies to be nice to each other and have them just get us coupons that don’t expire so soon, plenty of them, and put them in the paper so that we have easy access so that we can get extras.
Interestingly, the Valassis VP told me that manufacturers only want consumers using one coupon and we shouldn’t be getting extra sets of coupons. News to me. So in other words if I need to get 18 jars of Smuckers then they only want me using one coupon. I’m sure Jon and Kate and their 8 little ones, the OctoMom, or any other big family would not be too please with that version of couponing.
I told him that we aren’t getting the same amount of coupons that are in other markets. He said that shouldn’t be the case and he’ll look into it. If you look at some of CCherrypickers.com’s recent posts you will see that isn’t true. I’ve noticed it myself plenty of times when I travelled too. So I’m surprised he was ignorant of it.
In the posts they said that companies are going to internet coupons. Problem is they cost people money – up to around 25 cents per page – figure in the cost of paper, ink, electricity, cost of the printer, internet, PC, etc.). Plus it takes a lot of time to peruse through them to find out which ones you want and all. Plus many stores don’t take internet coupons. Some do and then decide that they won’t anymore. Aggravating as an eyelash or charcoal briquette in your eye.
We left it at they will see what the data shows to see if coupon usage goes down or not and go from there. Never did hear back from him even though I called him back. But by then I did get a call from their lawyer instead, but the lawyer said I really need to speak with the VP and not the lawyer for what I wanted.
In the meantime I met and spoke with the U.S. Deputy Postmaster a couple times and he had his people call me back regarding the problems they’ve had with mailing out the Red Plum coupons. There is an issue with the ‘do not mail list’ people getting or not getting the Red Plum coupons. It’s considered junk mail so some people may not get it when they want it.
My suggestion was that they have people opt in to get the coupons mailed to them and that the coupons get put back in the paper. So in other words, people that don’t want to or can’t afford to pay for a paper and still want the coupons will be able to get them mailed to them. Right now Red Plum had people opting in to get the coupons now as it is, so they can do it so that everyone that wants coupons will get them. That will make Red Plum happy. It would save them on postage by not sending coupons to people that don’t want them. By putting the coupons back in the paper we would get the set we want with any other coupons and ads since most couponers get the Sunday paper for the coupons and ads anyway, so we would be happy along with the newspaper companies. Red Plum wouldn’t waste money sending coupons to people that don’t want them, so that would make the Post Office happy since it gets them out of the ‘do not mail list’ dilemma. Environmentally it would be better since coupons wouldn’t get tossed in the garbage too.
One of the problems though is that I know someone that opted in back in March and they still haven’t received the Red Plum coupons. Again, partly the reason for the bringbackthecoupons.com site.
However everything is still at a stalemate yet. Hopefully in time they will see the benefits to doing so and we will all be winners.
Read more about it here:
So how was the coffee? Corncob pipe good?
Monday, July 27th, 2009ALDIS
Red or Green grapes – 69 cents per lb.
Blueberries – 89 cents – pint
Cherries – 99 cents per lb.
Bananas – 39 cents per lb.
Don’t buy produce at stores that have hardly any produce items on sale and by that I also mean a good sale price. Aldi’s always has great produce prices and the quality is good. Same with Marcs. For cheaper produce use lawn clipplings for your salad along with acorns from the neighborhood.
Free after extrabucks:
CVS tampons – 10 count
Good until Tuesday:
Caliber Composition Book – limit 2
Caliber/CVS erasers or push pins – limit 2
Caliber Index or Pencil Case – limit 2
Pilot Easytouch pen 2 pack – limit 2
Swingline Tot stapler or Claiber sticky notes – limit 2
Crayons – 1 cent
Monday, July 20th, 2009WALGREENS
Have you noticed that their register rewards program stinks. Yes it does, Suzie is saying. And I agree with Suzie. It does stink. Not as good as the EasySaver Rewards program that they ended. Suzie, you can put your hand down. I can’t take any questions while I’m typing up my e-mail. I know you have something you want to say, but save it for later. Right now it’s all about me. So where was I before Suzie rudely interrupted me. Oh yes, Walgreens stinks now. Those register rewards expire too soon and there are not enough deals every week to keep me going there. CVS has a similar program with the EasyBucks program, but they usually have much better deals and more of them every week. I liked the Walgreens gift cards that we were able to get with the EasySaver program and the extra 10% you got with them. Maybe they will see sales go down and decide to bring it back. I gave them a chance on the register rewards, but it doesn’t look good. Ok Suzie I’m ready for your question. Oh, you have to go to the bathroom. That’s fine. You can go.
They had some deals on school supplies this week, but nothing free. They used to do many free items, but maybe that will come in the next few weeks. If not, then one less store for me to shop at.
Get $2 from Giant Eagle when you sign up for their e-mailed ads. Click here:
Most Giant Eagles have an Eagles Nest, a place where you can drop off your kids while you shop. One of them by me closed up theirs, probably because with the movie theater nearby parents would drop off the kids and go to the movies. What a bonanza this free babysitting service would be for that Jon & Kate family that has 8 kids. Or is there a limit on kids you can stuff into the Eagle’s Nest? I bet there is a hidden door where a tunnel takes the kids into the back of the store where they get them to unload trucks and replenish the warehouse and do other menial tasks. One of these days I’m waiting for the kids to go through some turbo training where they are now cashiers where they will ring out their parents, much to their astonishment.
I like to stay at Best Westerns because they are a good value. You know you are getting a decent room and usually a free breakfast. Would you believe we stayed at one in Paris and London earlier this year. Again good values for the money. Click on this link to book a room:
Free pasty from opening until 10:30 AM on 7/21 with a beverage purchase. Click here for coupon: http://www.starbucks.com/retail/print_free_pastry.html
I’ve come across some restaurants that don’t list the price of their wine and sometimes their other beverages in their menu like Damon’s and Texas Roadhouse does. They just list the brands. So if I ask for a bottle of Merlot I might get a $15 bottle or a $40 bottle. Yes, yes, that is what I like. Surprises. Will I get a deal or ripped off? I get so excited not knowing what I will see on the bill. Why would I want to burden the wait staff with asking them for a price and embarrass myself by asking for it when the restaurant will surprise me. Better yet they should just not list the price of everything on their menu. After all, anyone that goes to a restaurant is loaded with money. I usually see people with dollar bills coming out of their suit pockets. And why ask them if they charge for a salad. I like seeing an extra $7 for a side salad on my bill. I especially like the way they slyly ask if you want a salad with your meal. We are all supposed to know they will charge when they do that. And don’t ask for a price since that again would be embarrassing. I want to make sure people around me know that I’m loaded with money and don’t need to know what I will pay.
As you can tell I was being sarcastic. What I actually do is I make a point of asking the price of every single bottle and glass of wine when they don’t list the price. I wear tattered clothes and meekly ask how much it will cost. I make sure I load my changepurse with moths and when they tell me how much it costs I check my changepurse to see if I have enough. The moths flutter out of my changepurse and I cough as I say I will order just one side dish and a water because I am low on funds. I ask for a lemon for my water since that will keep me from getting scurvy since I can’t afford eating fruit. Although sometimes when I go to the park I will eat berries that I find growing on a shrub or two. I think they’re berries, but they taste like poison. Eating the berries make me see vivid movies in my head before I come to. I save money on a movie that way.
Would you believe they got an Emmy nomination. Not since 1961 when the Flinestones received one has an animated cartoon received an Emmy nomination. The acting the characters on Family Guy perform is just amazing. It’s a wonder that they all didn’t get nods for best actress and actor Emmys. I’m sure they go through a lot of rehearsals before they get it right like the “who can puke first by drinking Ipecac contest.” Splendid!
I knew someone that was a maestro on the flutophone. Not that it’s me, of course. Summer is a great time for parades, so they would look for an opening in the parade procession and join in. They would try not to get behind the horses though. They stink and leave reminders of their meals on the road which make for tricky marching steps. But the moves look real cool since they look improvised. Anyway, sometimes we all feel like we want to be at the front of the parade, but end up being in the back. But the back of the parade is where you might find some candy left by the candy-throwing clowns and politicians….hmmm, I just now made a coorelation. And it makes for great candy to give away on Halloween.
Free after extrabucks:
Photo CD
CVS Brand pantiliners
Until Tuesday:
Find deal info at http://www.iheartcvs.com
Free after rebate items:
Zebra Pencils
Zebra pens
Pentel Highlighters
Use $5 off $25 coupon on these deals – expires 8/31: http://content.riteaid.com/rabrand/email_coupon_4G.pdf
99 cents after rebate:
Sambucol Immune System Booster
Compound W
Citre Shine
L’Oreal nail polish
Ayr Nasal Gel/Mist
Lysine Cold Sore Treatment
Legatrin PM
Edge/Skintimate shave gel
Get a $25 gift card when you transfer your prescription there – coupon in the ad this week.
Back a few years ago the U.S. savings rate was around MINUS 1%. It now stands over 6%. People are saving their money in preparation for tough times ahead. But now is the time for people to spend their money so that it spurs the economy. Had people saved in the past then we wouldn’t have people scrambling to save their money. It would’ve eased out the highs and lows of the economy. I would think that inventories have been cleared out and we might see an uptick in the economy with inventories being replenished. Gotta get companies to start hiring again too. Here’s good info on the historical savings rate:
The country first got into debt to help pay for the Revolutionary War. The debt is now $11.5 trillion. Interest payments on the debt alone cost $452 billion last year which is the largest federal spending category after Medicare-Medicaid, Social Security and defense.
The United States went into the red the first time in 1790 when it assumed $75 million in the war debts of the Continental Congress. Since then, the nation has only been free of debt once, in 1834-1835. We gotta cut spending carefully. It should especially be done when times are good. Spending for wars were thought to get the U.S. out of recessions because the government pumped so much money into the economy. Even WWII was thought to get the U.S. out of the Great Depression. Here the national debt clock: http://brillig.com/debt_clock/
Good info on the debt:
More good debt info:
Get a free e-subscription to this motorcycle, ATV, snowmobile, motorbike centered magazine here: http://whiteoutmagazine.com/default.aspx
Find clearance deals on tires and tire rebates on the site. See if your local dealership will match the prices. I went to NRB and they did. Great prices. Click here:
My fall schedule is starting to fill up. If you are interested in booking me to speak, please e-mail me at joe@joethecouponguy.com. I charge according to how far I have to drive, whether I have to take time off from work, and some other factors. Plus if you use the code BONUS by July 31st you’ll get a free annual membership into my gang, the Willowick Crips and a piece of toast.
Here is my latest schedule:
Tuesday, July 14th, 2009RESTAURANT.COM
Get 60% Off + get a FREE $10 Certificate. Get a $25 gift certificate for $4. Use the code KITCHEN. Ends Monday, July 20th. Click here:
The government allows hot dogs to contain pig snouts, tongues, windpipe, stomach, heart, spleen, and lips. Nothing a little mustard, relish, and ketchup won’t help wash down. I just don’t like when there is too much snout. Now hot dogs filled with spleens…they are the cat’s meow. I can eat them all day long…as long as I have ketchup.
Lobsters are getting so cheap that now lobster fisherman are selling them from their trucks to make an extra buck by excluding the middle man. Here is the story.http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090623/ap_on_re_us/us_roadside_lobster_3
Lobster are bottom feeders meaning they munch on stuff that ends up at the bottom of the ocean…mostly dead stuff. Same like catfish. They eat all the yuck at the bottom of rivers. Ahh, the food chain…
For an extra income I started charging birds that have taken up residence around my house in a nest or birdhouse. Those little deadbeats sure don’t like to pay though. I posted notices and also left messages at the local pet shops and asked them to forward it to the birds. I should’ve been a little more clearer though when I asked for a deposit. There were some around the yard and on my windows, but none were of any monetary value.
What really irks me is that I give them food at two different feeders and not once have they sent me a thank you letter or even called to acknowledge all the free food I gave them. And when they clean me out of all the food that I give them they don’t even want to come around to say hello. It’s like I don’t exist. The least they could do is form a barbershop quartet – I love barbershop quartets – and sing some kind of song for me to show me some type of appreciation. Maybe they could even on of my favorite songs like Elvira by the Oak Ridge Boys. Back in the day I tried to form a supergroup of kids from the neighborhood and one of the songs we would sing would be Elvira. That was until Jimmy quit and Jody got married.
Lately I’ve even had a racoon getting into the garage and eating my birdseed stash. No note of thanks. That varmint just scrambles off like an ungrateful lover. Just get what ya want and then run when the lights come on. I did have to grease up the pole to the birdhouse in the yard so that it can’t shimmy its way up it and eat all the birdseed. It did make its way up a few times though. It barely fit into the birdhouse. It looked like one of those fat guys in a Speedo that you see at the beach. Just doesn’t look right or seem right, but you can’t stop looking at the trainwreck.
On the other hand I get plenty of thank you notes and appreciation from the local salamander community. They are just a delight. Sometimes they even surprise me with peanuts that I find around the house. I know they left it for me because there is a salamander ooze on them. And as their homage to me they built a bronze sculpture of me in the backyard. At night I hear them singing me to sleep. Their voices aren’t great. They sound like a drunk Grimace, but it’s the thought that counts.
The U.S. trade deficit fell to the lowest level in more than nine years in May as exports posted a small gain while the weak American economy pushed imports down for a 10th straight month. The Commerce Department said Friday the deficit narrowed to $26 billion, a drop of 9.8 percent from April and the lowest level since November 1999.
Free coffee at McDonald’s. Click here for more info:
The Federal minimum wage will rise to from $6.55 to $7.25 an hour on July 24. The increase will be felt in 29 states. Seven states already have laws mandating $7.25 minimum pay, while 14 states and Washington, D.C., exceed the new minimum. Employers are required to pay whichever is the highest: Federal or state.
The U.S. economy has lost nearly 3.4 million jobs in the first half of 2009, which is more than the 3.1 million lost during all of 2008. The number of unemployed is nearly 4.4 million, meaning that benefits for some of the unemployed have expired.
At $7.25 an hour, a full-time worker earns $15,080. At the nationwide work week average of 33 hours, the worker would earn $12,441. The U.S. government sets the poverty level at $10,830 for one person or $22,050 for a family of four in the lower 48 states and D.C.
The conundrum is there isn’t much incentive to work full time at minimum wage if that is the only job you can get when government assistance is nearly as good. Jobs should always be better than any type of government assistance. When businesses don’t support the worker with a living wage and benefits then the government has stepped in such as they are trying to do with healthcare. Not always the best thing. Will some businesses not hire people because they can’t afford a higher min wage? Probably, but if businesses want more business then putting it in the hands of those that will spend their discretionary income on businesses that hire min wage workers like fast food, then it’s most likely a wash.
There are some that think a higher minimum wage increases unemployment. Looking at the top 7 states with unemployment with a minimum wage of $8.00 and more shows that the average is nearly exactly the same as the national average. In June 2009, The national average was a 26-year high at 9.5% while the top 7 min wage states was almost the exact rate at 9.56%. If you include the top 13 states, the average is 9.95%. Not that much higher.
Find the states with the highest minimum wage – click here:
Free after extrabucks:
Photo Picture Album
Ends after Tuesday:
Blueberries – 89 cents a pint – stupendous price!
Canteloupe – 79 cents
Strawberries – 1 lb – 99 cents
Watermelon – $2.79
1 cent for a 10 pack of pencils (limit 2).
1 cent after rebate for a ream of paper (limit 2).
Thanks to those that piped in your concerns to the politicians about the funding cuts at libraries. The state pulled back on the cuts some.
Monday, July 13th, 2009ALDIS
BLueberries – 1 pint – 89 cent – stupendous deal – best price of the season
Watermelon – $2.79
Strawberries – 1 lb – 99 cents
Canteloupe – 79 cents
Peaches/Plums/Nectarines – 29 cents each – not that great of a deal if they are small
Gift Certificate Sale starts July 14. Get discounted gift certificates at local area independent restaurants.
Got to: http://www.clevelandindependents.com.
Read a story about mall closings – may be some in your area: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Americas-Most-Endangered-usnews-1952033275.html?x=0&.v=1
I noticed another one of those people that keep their mouth open whenever they are deep in thought or confused. He was trying to decide what he wanted on the Wendy’s value menu. The prices are so good that I think he was having a hard time deciding what to get. This time it was a bit different though. I noticed a group of houseflies playing pinochle on his tongue. There was enough light with his open mouth for them to deal the cards and all. They were snacking on some Cheetos in-between his teeth left over from last nights meal. I could tell he didn’t floss or brush his teeth. The deeper his thought the wider his mouth got. He would’ve been a dentist’s dream. No need to ask him to open his mouth. Just ask him a question and there opens his trap and a confused look forms on their face.
One of the flies was playing a banjo. It was a catchy tune. My leg started to go up and down and I started to slap my knee. I wanted to dance, but I was still in line. But I said the heck with it and let out some hoots and started dancing. I tried to get some other patrons in the store to do-si-do with me. It partly was a ploy to move up in line. I figured I could swing my partner and then move up to the next one until I was next in line. But then I realized it wasn’t a banjo playing fly and that it instead was some odd moans he was making as though his thought patterns were verbalized. You know, how people talk when they are thinking hard. By then moved from 8th to 3rd in line.
Now I had a complex because I figured people understood why I was dancing. I kept my composure and started to whistle. It wasn’t professional whistling. Just some improvised tune. But did you ever hear someone belt out a well inflected tune whistling like they want you to notice how well they whistle. The stanzas are well put together and the notes just bounce off the walls. I noticed someone else in line started dancing to my whistling though. I started to feel better about my whistling so I puffed my chest out and I got a little more crafty with my tune. The high notes got higher and the low notes got lower. I rat-a-tat-tatted a tune. And I kicked up the beat a notch to give this person a tune that was something a little more danceable. He started to do-si-do in line just like I did, but as he got to me I punched him in the head.
Back to the open mouth guy. Did you ever come across people that mouth the same words that you are saying. That’s when I usually talk real fast to see if they can keep up and I talk nonsensically to make it even harder. I’ll even eat something like a carrot to see if the also mouth the way I’m eating my food while I’m talking. I play games like that to amuse myself sometimes. Homo Sapiens. Such odd creatures.
Get a $25 gift certificate for $3 – a 70% savings (normally $10). Check out the new restaurants that have been added like Fat Fish Blue.
Click here:
Find local Cleveland area store ads on http://www.shoplocal.com/cleveland/circulars.fp.
Or find ads in your area at http://www.shoplocal.com.
Find all your favorite sites in one listing. Great for you super surfers.
Sunday papers are 99 cents each Sunday until 7/26.
Free after extrabucks – CVS brand pencils, tape, and pantiliners.
99 cents after rebate:
Anti-Monkey Butt – yes, yes, there is a product with this name. I dare some of you to go there just to buy this one product. And while you’re in line just grimace and rub your behind. Ask the cashier if you can use it right away.
No – Doz
Both Big K’s and Super K’s are doubling until 7/11. Supposed to be up to 10 coupons per visit can be used. Coupons up to $2 and less are doubled. They stopped taking internet coupons for the doubles, but I’ve seen that rule vary by store/cashier. Remember coupons that have a UPC that start with a 9 won’t double (they usually say do not double on them). It has to start with a 5.
Go to this site for a breakdown on some of the deals: http://hip2save.blogspot.com/2009/06/kmart-double-coupon-deals-67-613.html
What percentage of the items they sell are made in China? It’s 70% as reported in http://www.wakeupwalmart.com. Remember how they used to tout how all their products were made in America. Check out the site – some shocking stats.
Wind back Wednesday with their original menu prices:
$1.75 Half Onion Loaf
$2.75 Full Onion Loaf
$3.75 Southern BBQ Sandwich
Get 50 prints for 50 pennies. Use code PENNY. Ends July 10. Go to http://www.snapfish.com.
During the Great Depression, the U.S. unemployment rate climbed to 25 percent. That number included all working-age people that were not working. However, today the unemployment rate doesn’t include ALL people that are unemployed. It doesn’t include people that stopped looking for work because they have become discouraged and people that are working low-paying part-time jobs because they can’t find full-time work (under-employed people). The U.S. unemployment rate stood at 9.5% in June. It would be 16.5% if the same standards were used as during the Great Depression. There are many more safety nets now that are keeping most people from absolute despair, but with all the cutbacks in budgets some safety nets are being unraveled.
Get cell phone supplies up to 80% off. Use code CPSJUL91 to get 10% off orders of $15 or more. Free shipping on all orders over $30. Click here:
With all the moaning about socialized medicine in the U.S. I was amazed that even without it my wife tried to set up a doctors appointment and was told she couldn’t get in until July 2010 since she was a new patient. Hello! Off to free medical care day!
Need to reattach a limb? Maybe that second head that has grown out of your stomach needs to be removed. It was getting a little too chatty talking about soap operas and celebrity gossip as it was. Or perhaps you just need to get rid of a festering sore that is now the size of one of the Dakota states. Your day has come. Free medical day is now July 25th and 26th at University Circle. The same one that was rescheduled from back in May. I will also be there to play catch with any gall stones that are removed from patients. Click here for details:
Evelyn & Crabtree
Thursday, July 2nd, 2009HOME DEPOT
Cypress mulch – $2 a bag
Rebate Deals – Ends July 6th – some have a limit of more than one:
All-Purpose Adhesive Caulk – free
Automotive Carpet & Upholstery Cleaners – free
Biodegradable Car Wash $3.99 – free
Organic Automotive Glass Cleaner – free
Biodegradable Car Wash $3.99 – free
Get the 2009 book free when you place an order for the 2010 book. Click here: https://members.cj.com/member/publisher/other/getlinkdetail.do?adId=10679069
Dillards – Buy 1 get 1 Free deals on certain items – on top of 50% to 70% already off – other items take an additional 30% off.