Do you still have money left in your eye health insurance account? Spend it now before the year ends. Or use it once your account renews at the beginning of the year. Get contacts at a great price and free shipping.
Save $10 off orders of $100 or more-use code SAVE359 -ends 12/31/09.
Click here for the deal:
Ever get a strange feeling you’re being watched? – read this article:
G – It looks like you gained weight…I’ve got a bingo!
The average health insurance premium jumped 95% from 2000 to 2008. The average health insurance premium for a family plan cost $5,791 (worker contribution $1,543, employer contribution $4,247) in 1999 and $12,680 ($3,354 worker contribution, $9,325 employer contribution) in 2007. Something had to give and the new health care plan will hopefully provide some needed changes.
Need a resolution for 2010? Stop smoking! By eliminating one $5 pack a day you will save $1,825 a year. In some cities the cost of a pack of cigarettes cost over $8, more than the average cost to heat a home for a day. Same goes for eliminating a $5 six pack of beer a day. Studies have found that the average smoker incurs an additional $3,400 of medical expenses a year. The key is not to start this very addictive habit. The American Lung Association offers a free online program to help smokers quit found at http://www.ffsonline.org. The Ohio Tobacco Quite Line can be reached at 1-800-784-8669.
In 2008, 21% of adults in the U.S. smoked. It was 25% in 1997 and 19.7% in 2007 (lowest ever). It was 20% in 2008 and 26% in 1995 for Ohioans. Every 10% hike in cigarette price increases causes a 4% drop in consumption. Utah has a 9.3% smoking rate (many Mormons don’t smoke for religious reasons).
Ohio, as did many other states, outlawed smoking in restaurants and other public places. Many complained that it would force businesses to close because smokers would no longer patronize their business. Oddly enough, I saw a different affect. Most bars and restaurants added new cozy outdoor patios that enhanced the customer experience. Granted it’s hard to enjoy a patio during the winter months, but it gave smokers another reason to quit when they had to freeze in the cold in order to smoke before they would go back into the restaurant/bar. Look at it this way, if you smoke a pack a day you can get a new car every 20 years instead with the same money, if you didn’t smoke.
Did you ever walk into a store and find that it had a small enclave of birds that got into the store. They usually hang out in the bird seed section. But what I wondered is what do they do to quench their thirst? It’s not like there is a pond for them to drink the water or a way for them to figure out how to work the water fountain by pressing on the button. They are too light to push down the water fountain button. My guess is that they all get on top of each other like a totem pole on top of the water fountain button. I’m sure they do it when the store is closed because I’ve never seen it or heard about it.
Or maybe they fly into the bathrooms and drink from the toilet water. They may also find a protein snack while they are in there. What a life. Nice heated area. They can play “poop on the shopper” games. And they have a fresh supply of food.
A few web-sites will forward complaints to transgressors and warn consumers about a company’s bad behavior. The sites are http://www.complaints.com, http://www.planetfeedback.com, and http://www.complaintbook.com. Another site just lets you vent: http://www.my3cents.com.
Free after rebate:
Oral B Power Toothbrush – after $3 coupon
Soy Joy Bars (5)
Kotex – 99 cents
Get 50 free 4X6 film prints with first upload. Use code WINTER40 to get 40% off. Ends 1/16/10. Develop prints for as low as 9 cents.
Click here to order:
I don’t consider a good deal a good deal unless the item is 50% off or more. However I typically won’t buy groceries unless they are at least 70% off and toiletries have to be at least 90% off, if not free. I won’t pay money for toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, etc. because I know I can get it for free. Come to one of my classes and learn how to do the same. Find my 2010 schedule at:
What are the most popular names of the decade? I see Nipsey didn’t make the top 5 names of the decade. I’m kinda disappointed. I was hoping my push to get parents to name their new child Nipsey would take hold by now.
Is your name on the list of the top 20 pet names? Don’t feel bad, a derivative of my name, Joey, is also used for baby kangaroos. I have two cats and both of their names are Dummy. They are brothers. I intersperse the name Fasto with the one because he is so big like a wheelbarrow. I also call them Stinky a lot. I don’t think they realize I am calling them disparaging names because they start purring whenever I call them. I must exude love when I call their names. I don’t think it will work with humans though.
Ever wonder what your name means? Check out this site to find out:
Reminds me of a story. When I was going to college one of the classes was a speech class. The topic I chose was people’s last names and what they mean. Most of the classmates had normal meanings, like “lived in a hut” or “makes metal stuff” or something like that.
But the one guy I found out had a unique name. It was a Polish name. The last name was Stropki and it meant “vodka drinker”. I guess it’s a good thing and a bad thing. Apparently his forefathers felt it was important for his village to know that the family drank a lot. It’s like having the popular name of Suzie Pabstmeister in the U.S. or Johnny McReisling.
Prints are 9 cents for 4×6 photos. Use code 9CENTS at http://www.walgreens.com.
Spin – bike shop in downtown Willoughby
Dick’s – Garfield Heights – another store built above the old garbage dump bites the dust.
Nova restaurant – Mayfield Heights
Malleys – Mayfield Heights
Costco – Strongsville