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Print fresh new coupons with the beginning of the month! Reprint some that were available in January again too! Get these coupons and over 200 more on Print them twice per laptop/PC. They will double at stores as per their rules – Giant Eagle, Dave’s Supermarket, and Buehlers doubles coupons of 99 cents and less. Get them before they disappear!

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Do you or know someone with a cracked iPhone screen? Is yours busted? When I see them it makes me sad because it reminds me of the kid in school that had a broken pair of glasses that’s all taped up. Don’t make me sad by not fixing your cracked iPhone.

It’s usually very expensive to repair. Aside from getting a new phone or a refurbished one you can also get it fixed. Find reasonable repair costs for cracked iPhone screens at They usually charge around $100 and parts come with a lifetime warranty. Do-it-yourself kits are sold by IFixit ( It cost less to fix it yourself, but not by much. If you know someone that is upgrading, ask if you can purchase their old phone.

The best bet is to buy the rugged version the next time you get a new phone if you are prone to dropping yours and breaking them. Bubble wrap or carrying your phone two inches above the ground works too.

Get Multiple Dealer Quotes at

AT&T is now offering Rollover Data on their Mobile Share Value® plans. Unused data from the monthly plan allowance rounds up to the nearest MB and carries over for one billing period. Unused Rollover Data automatically expires after one billing period or with any plan change (such as changing data amounts or termination). Unused overage data does not roll over. Rollover Data is always consumed last, after your other data allowances. Unused Rollover Data is not redeemable for cash or credit and is not transferable including to other Mobile Share Value groups on your account. Mobile Share and Mobile Share Data-only plans are excluded. Visit for more info.

Check out WOIO on the February 10th 11:00 pm newscast for a segment I filmed with Tiffani Tucker on sites that break down deals and how a company sued Kroger for using their digital coupon software platform.

Coupons are offered by lots of companies and some request that you load a coupon printer driver to your PC in order to get the coupons. Knowing that a virus could be a click away by doing so, it’s important to protect your PC from attacks. Even surfing web-sites can leave you vulnerable to attacks. So what do you do to keep from getting one of those nasty smelly viruses?

The first thing to do is to make sure you have an updated internet security software loaded on your PC. I always get a new one at the end of the year when they are offered for free or close to it by OfficeMax, Staples, or elsewhere. Some are better than others so check Consumer Reports for the best software. It’s worth the few extra cents to get the best one because the cost to get rid of the virus can be expensive. Johnny’s Lethargic Virus Smacker might not be the best security option for your PC so get a reputable one that is rated excellent.

OfficeMax gives out free PC checkup coupons every so often. Ask for one and they may give you one. Otherwise, it wouldn’t hurt to have someone you know that is a PC guru do a “clean-up” on your PC every so often. Have them show you what to do so that you can do it on your own.

Sometimes cleaning out your cache and cookies helps. Go to Tools, Internet Options and Delete Browsing History and select them to delete. Just be careful as there are other selections on that screen that can clear out passwords and some other info that you may want to keep. You can select what you want to delete or not including your browsing history. Saving your passwords so that they are pre-filled though can be dangerous if your laptop is stolen.

If you are shopping online, be sure that the web address reads “https://” instead of “http://” because it will indicate that it’s an encrypted (secure) connection. An icon with a small padlock should be visible also. A PCI (Payment Card Industry) logo is beneficial also. For other information on web-site credibility, go to Also check for various online retailers’ privacy policies on the web-site such as TRUSTe –, Verisign –, or BBBonline –

Another site offers online computer security tips at

In Facebook enable Secure Browsing in your Account Settings. In Twitter make sure you have Always use https is enabled in your Account Tab.

Passwords are also important. Create a separate account strictly for coupon/money-saving-related activity to minimize any security issues with your personal account. Create a password that will help reduce security issues. Avoid common words or numbers for passwords. Creating a password only in lowercase will take hackers and low-level psychics just days if not minutes to guess it, if the password is 8 characters or less. Create a password with upper- and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Use a minimum of 7 characters. A study found that by using a 6 character password it would take up to 18 days for a hacker to randomly guess your password. Using 7 characters it will take 4 years as long as lowercase and uppercase letters are used along with numbers and symbols. At 8 characters using the same it would take up to 463 years. To make a password much harder to crack, use special characters (#, @, !, etc.). Change passwords often. Don’t use the same password for bank accounts and other sites with personal information as ones used for shopping or couponing.

Avoid signing into sensitive sites at public Wi-Fi locations. If a site you frequent has been hacked you can check to find out if you data got stolen. Find out if your password is strong enough at or and click on “create strong passwords”. Avoid revealing too much personal information on social networks. Even “do you really know your friend” quizzes are used to reveal information for scammers to access your bank accounts or other sensitive accounts.

Don’t use names of your kids or pets or birthdays for passwords since that information can be gleaned from Facebook posts.

A creative way to remember passwords and also improve your well-being is to create motivational passwords such as loseDa#s or bNice2z*Spouse or keepqPonin!.

Are you prepared for retirement? Aside from a 401k or pension people rely on their Social Security during their retirement years. But how does it work? Best to be prepared for your shuffleboard playing years.

When should you decide to get your Social Security benefits? Much of it depends on your finances and health. If 30 of your nearest relatives lived to 100 then you may want to consider getting retirement when you will maximum your benefits. You’ll nearly double your Social Security annual payment benefits if you wait to retire at the age of 70 instead of 62!

However, just read the obits and you’ll see plenty of folks that didn’t even make it to 62, so give that some thought too. I read the obits. I’ve read plenty where it says they retired and about a year later they passed away. I’ll have to make sure the doc checks my oil dipstick to make sure my engine is running fine so that I can help avoid that happening to me. Then again, we never know when we’ll go.

A study by Suzanne Shu, of UCLA and John Payne of Duke found that 50% of Americans start collecting Social Security benefits at age 62 and 70% or more collect at age 66, while all collect within two months of leaving the labor force.

Make sure the Social Security Administration has the correct earnings listed in your Social Security statement. Benefits are based on your 35 highest earning years, so verify that the totals are correct. If you don’t receive your statements, contact the IRS to submit a Form 8822 to give them your correct address.

In 2011, if not for Social Security there would be 21.4 million Americans in poverty, including 14.5 million people over age 65 and other who are on disability insurance.

The Social Security surplus is expected to be exhausted in 2033 with a shortfall of $623 billion, $1 trillion in 2045 and $7 trillion in 2086.

Social Security is financed by a 12.4% tax up to the first $110,100 of worker’s wages – half paid by employees and the other half by employers. In 1960, there were 4.9 workers pay for each person receiving benefits. In 2012, it was 2.8 workers and in 2035 it’s projected to be 1.9 workers, according to the CBO. About 56 million collect benefits in 2012 with 91 million projected in 2035. Monthly benefits average $1,235 for retired workers and $1,111 for disabled workers. The payroll tax was 2% in 1937 and 6% up until 1962.

The retirement age when workers can get full benefits:
US – 66, France – 65, Germany – 67, Greece – 65, Italy – 66 men, 62 women, UK – 68; some countries offer full benefits after working a certain number of years

Share of wages replaced by retirement benefits:
US – 39%, France – 49%, Germany – 42%, Greece – 96%, Italy – 65% men, 51% women, UK – 32%

Tax rates for public pensions (Social Security):
US – 12.4%, France – 16.7%, Germany – 19.9%, Greece – 20%, Italy – 32.7%, UK – none

Share of GDP spent on cash benefits in 2007:
US – 4.2%, France – 12.5%, Germany – 10.7%, Greece – 11.9%, Italy – 14.1%, UK – 5.4%

In 1950, Social Security had 16 workers paying in for every retiree. In 2006 the ratio is now 3 workers for every retiree. In 2030, it’s expected to be 2 to 1. Social Security when it began in 1940 had 160 workers for every senior receiving benefits. In 1950, there were 16.5. In 2011 it was three and in 20 years it’s expected to be two. Lots has been said whether Social Security will be there when we retire. It best better be. Too many people worked too hard not to get it.

Are you sensing a theme now with this week’s blog. Perceptive you are as Yoda would say it.

Insecurity will drive you nuts, including those around you. What is insecurity? Folks that have low self-esteem, shy, low confidence, are vulnerable, jealous, or promiscuous have been found to be insecure.

Growing up in a un-nourishing environment as a child can lead to insecurity. Having abusive or alchoholic parent or parents can lead to insecurity.

Insecurity is a defense mechanism. It manifests itself in many ways. Some are more obvious than others. Many of them are not good traits to have. Many times an insecure person may not even be aware how they are coming across or even that they are insecure.

Do you know someone that is sure of themselves? They may have high self-esteem, but those that are bullies or manipulative have forms of insecurity. In a sense they are trying to control things. They grew up not being able to control a bad environment so they try their best to control it as they grow up in order to protect their feelings. Sadly, instead it causes different issues with relationships. Recognizing the cause and the issues are the first step to fixing them.

Insecure people have been know to let others in their life make the decisions and then passively-aggressively complain about having to go along with the outcome. They are also known to be materialistic. Having “items” makes them feel secure. Being materialistic is a coping response. So are addictions. They try to numb the feelings, but in reality they are making new problems.

Insecure people tend to hide behind achievements and awards. They may tell you the great things about them, but really it’s just a way to fill their empty tank of self-esteem. It makes them feel better, but comes off as arrogance which turns people off. Humble-bragging is the same, but with a softer touch. The beast of insecurity is insatiable though.

They are people pleasers. They don’t want to say no since that might make people not like them.

Chatty Kathys are also insecure. They want to be noticed, but everyone just wishes they would just put a twisty-tie on their piehole.

Gossipers are also insecure. They make themselves feel better by advertising the exploits of some poor soul whose life is a big drama. In reality, their life would make the front page of the National Enquirer.

Insecure people don’t take constructive criticism well either. How dare you point out their faults! Unless done gently, they go into a rage. They don’t want to feel like there are things that aren’t good about them which will make them feel more insecure.

They are not much for compromising. They want a controlled environment.

Most everyone has some insecurity in them. Not everyone recognizes the traits though.

Many parents have morphed into crusading against making sure their children aren’t insecure. You’ll see that in the way some parents don’t want their kids to be exposed to anything bad or to be told what is wrong with them and to make sure they get every accolade available to them. Then they get shocked when they get a job with a boss that does the opposite.

Have you ever seen a parent defend a child even though they are a terror? Parents need to be honest with their kids. Let them know when they are good they are good and when they are bad they are bad. Boundaries and structure are needed.

Kids just need to know they are loved and cared for. Although good-intentioned, protecting them from real life will lead to issues in their adult life as they won’t know how to cope later in life when reality sets in.

Just like any bad trait, recoginizing it first means you can address it. Kids and adults need to feel they are worthy of sprinkles on their ice cream cone.

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Get these deals and tons more up to 90% around town!

$30 to Spend at ProFlowers for $15
$20 to Spend on Pub Fare at Around the Corner for $11
Lake Erie Monsters Hockey Ticket – $10 (reg $24)
$30 to Spend on Cheryl’s Cookies for $15
$20 to Spend on Latin Food at Barroco Grill for $10
$30 to Spend on Irish Food and Drinks at PJ McIntyre’s Irish Pub for $17
$30 to Spend on Italian Cuisine and Pub Fare at Joey’s Bistro Bar for $15
$30 to Spend on Lunch at Shula’s 2 Steak & Sports for $15
$15 to Spend on Candy, Chocolates, and Gifts at All City Candy for $8
$30 of Irish Pub Fare and More at Loco Leprechaun Pub for $15

Click here:

Get these deals and tons more up to 90% around town!

Ben & Jerry’s – $6 for $12 worth
$30 worth of Flowers and Gifts from FTD for $15
44% Off a Wine-Tasting Package from D&D Smith Winery
50% Gourmet Dipped Strawberries and Treats from Shari’s Berries
Up to 52% Off Mexican Food at El Palenque
Up to 47% Off at Burgers-N-Beer
44% Off Mediterranean Cuisine at Bodega
Mötley Crüe – Up to 39% Off The Final Tour
Fall Out Boy and Wiz Khalifa – Up to 49% Off Concert
Barry Manilow with Dave Koz – Up to 51% Off Concert
NCAA Division I Men’s Basketball Championship at Nationwide Arena in Columbus on March 20 or 22 at Nationwide Arena – Columbus, OH
Up to 57% Off Snack Delivery from Love With Food
50% Off at Rocky’s Pizzeria & Restaurant

Click here:

Learn how to save a ton of money at one of my classes! Learn how to save 70% and more grocery and toiletry shopping. Find out how to save money on restaurants, utility bills, cell phones, travel, gas, prescriptions, and on much more! To view my upcoming class schedule please go to: . Be sure to register for libraries that require registration as some have waiting lists. All classes are free unless otherwise noted. I hope to see you there!

Monday, February 23, 2015 – Willowick Library – Register at – 6:30 pm – FREE!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015 – Perry Library – FREE!
Tuesday, April 14, 2015 – Burton Library – 6:30 pm – FREE!
Monday, April 20, 2015 – Mentor Library – 7:00 pm – FREE!
Tuesday, April 21, 2015 – Ida Rupp Library – Port Clinton – 7:00 PM – FREE!

If you’re interested in booking a class for your organization whether it be a PTA, Senior Center, Business, Church, or Library, please contact me at or 440-227-6223. I’ve done classes all across Ohio and for many businesses including the Cleveland Clinic, Bendix, Lake Hospitals, Hyland Software, and others. I can tailor the topics to your organization.

If you’d like for me to teach a class at your local library, feel free to contact your library and request me. Have them get a hold of me at to book me.

Blizzard Sale! All 2015 Entertainment Books are $19 with Free Shipping this week only at! (Valid 1/26/15 – 2/08/15)

Books valid through December 30, 2015!

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Updated! Get the Savvy Shopper Booklet and learn how to save tons of money on dozens of different topics. The booklet with over 190 pages was updated in 2015 with thousands of money-saving tips. Great for someone just starting out or wants to learn more ways to save money. Only $13 (includes FREE shipping)! You could learn to save thousands and thousands for just the cost of a large pizza!

Included in the booklet are ways to save on these Topics:
Rules for Saving, Shopping Tips, Money Saving Apps, Negotiating Savings, Budgeting, Consumer Protection, Coupons, Coupon Booklets, Daily Deals, Rebates, Best Price & Service Guarantees/Price Matching, Rain Checks, Mail/Shipping Orders, Clearance Items, Returns, Receipts, Warranties, Store Loyalty/Rewards Cards, Gift Certificates/Gift Cards, Freebies, Buy One Get One Free Deals, Store Closings, Dollar Stores, Thrift Stores, Garage Sales/Flea Markets, Outlet Stores, Shopping Club Memberships (Warehouse stores), Auctions, Clothing, Restaurant/Bar Deals, Food & Beverage Deals, Entertainment Deals, Books/Magazines/Newspapers, Birthday Deals, Travel Savings, International Travel, Gasoline Savings, Car Savings, Parking Savings, Home Purchase/Mortgage, Home Maintenance/Items, Home Heating/Energy, Employer/Local Corporation Savings/Discounts, Banks/Payday Lenders, Credit Cards/Credit Scores, Taxes, Legal, Debt Help, Insurance, Children, Schooling, Weddings, Marriage/Relationships, Health, Sports, Jobs, Retirement, Charity, Social, Pets, Haircuts, Technology/Internet/Computers/Electronics, Etc., Phone Savings, Cell Phones, Miscellaneous Tips/Information, Traits of Savers vs. Spenders, Other Money Saving Web-sites

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Take 35% off orders over $50 with code WD55 at AdvanceAutoParts! Offer valid 2/1 through 2/7

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Sale through Tuesday.
Baby Carrots – 1 lb – .59
Avocados – .59 (3 pack/$1.77)
Red and Yellow Peppers – 2 pack – $1.99
Celery – .69
Grape Tomatoes – 10 oz – .69
Mushrooms – 8 oz – .59

Shop for all your photo needs

Scan you CVS loyalty card before you shop at the CVS coupon kiosk inside stores near the entrance to get coupons.

Sale through Saturday.
Colgate Optic White Toothpaste – PROFIT after $2.50 in-store kiosk coupon and $1.50 coupon
Colgate Multi-Pack toothbrush – .99 after $2 Extra Bucks Reward and $2 coupon
Nutella – $1 after $2 coupon
Excedrin 24-30 ct – $1.49 after $2 Extra Bucks Reward and $1.50 coupon found at
Garnier Fructis shampoo, conditioner 10.2-13 oz or stylers 2-8.5 oz – .99 after $2 coupon
Garnier Clean + Refreshing Remover Cleansing Towelettes 25 ct – $1.50 after $3 coupon
Progresso soup 18.5-19 oz – $1.25 after $1/2 Extra Bucks Reward and .50/2 coupon
Gain Flings 14 ct – $1.99 after $1 Extra Bucks Reward and $2 coupon
Speed Stick or Lady Speed Stick Deodorant – $1 after $1 in-store kiosk coupon and BOGO coupon
Bengay 2 oz – $1.49 after $3 Extra Bucks Reward
Physicians Formula pH Powered Lip Gloss $2.99 after $7 Extra Bucks Reward
Tide Pods 14 ct – $1.99 after $1 Extra Bucks Reward and $2 coupon

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40% OFF your Photo Book(s), Calendar(s), and/or Gifts order with code SAVE40. Offer valid online only. Offer ends 2/7/15.

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Cavs Ticket Offer – Get Cavs tickets for the Loudville seats for $20 and select 100 Level seats are $40.

Sale through Tuesday.
Barilla Pasta – $1
Idaho Potatoes – 5 lb – $1.33
Lays chips – BOGO
Digiorno pizza – 2/$7 after $2/2 coupon also found at
Ludens – $1.09 after BOGO sale and $1/2 coupon
Keri Lotion – BOGO
Roma tomatoes – .99/lb
Nickles Italian bread – BOGO

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Take an additional 50% off clearance. Christmas items 10 cents.

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Sale through Wednesday.
Colgate Toothpaste 4.6 oz – FREE after .75 coupon
Colgate toothbrush – Free after .50 coupon
Angel Soft Bath Tissue 4 rolls – .10 after .45 coupon
Febreze Air Effects 9.7 oz or Wax Melts 2.75 oz – $1 after .75 coupon found at PLUS get .20 Fuelperks with $25 purchase
Brawny Paper Towels 1 big roll – .50 after .25 coupon
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Suave Professionals Hand & Body Lotion – $1 after $2 coupon
SuperPretzel 9-13 oz – $1 after BOGO sale and two .50 coupons
Garnier Fructis Hair Care 2-13 oz – $1 after $2 coupon
Nabisco snacks – $1.25 after .75/2 coupon
Philadelphia cream cheese – .50 after .50 coupon found at
Sargento cheese wedges – .50 after .75 coupon that was also found at
Buddig deli meats – .59 after $1/5 coupon that was found at
Cheerios Protein cereal – $1 after .75 coupon
Food Should Taste Good Snacks 4-5.5 oz – $1.25 after BOGO sale and .75 coupon found at
Hefty Cups 20-30 ct – $1 after BOGO sale and $1/2 coupon
Old El Paso refried beans – .65 after .30 coupon found at or use .50/2 coupon
General Mills Chex Mix or Bugles 6-8 oz – .83 after .50/2 coupon also found at
Campbells Dinner Sauce 9-13 oz – .67 with purchase of 3 and after three .50 coupons
Starkist Tuna Pouches or Creations 2-3 oz – .69 after three $1/3 coupon with purchase of 9
Campbells Healthy Request Soup 15-19 oz – .92 after BOGO sale and $1/3 coupon found at – PLUS get $1 eOffer
Mr Clean Liquid or Sprays 16-40 oz = $1.50 after $1 coupon PLUS earn .20 Fuelperks with $25 purchase
Degree Premium Deodorant 2-3 oz – $1.50 after $2 coupon

Giant Eagle doubles coupons that are 99 cents or less. That means a .75 coupon will double to $1.50 off. It happens automatically when a coupon that is 99 cents or less is scanned at the register – 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.

Get 10 cents in Fuelperks for every $50 spent ($3 savings).

NEW RULE! An eOffer won’t work if you use a manfacturer coupon for the same item. In the past an eOffer would work along with a manufacturer coupon. An eOffer will supercede a paper coupon. Click here for dozens of eOffers (electronic coupons that link to you card and trigger when you purchase the item – only works once and doesn’t double):

Giant Eagle posts what needs to be purchased in order to trigger a register coupon to print. Find the deals at:


Sale through Tuesday.
Boneless chicken breasts – $1.99/lb
Mushrooms – 8 oz – .99
Avocados – .99
Open Pit BBQ sauce – .99
Baby carrots – 1 lb – .99

Good Cents now has a new loyalty card. Get $5 off a $25 purchase when you sign up for their e-mail at

Rubber Stamping & Scrapbooking at!

Click Here for Money Saving Coupons at!

Up to 70% off Everyday Storage Items at!

Sign up for JoAnn2Go and Save 20% off Your Next Purchase!

Click here:

Justice: 300x250: Jeans for Every Girl

Get great clothes and accessories deals at Justice Brothers with these discounts:

40% Off Everything + Extra 20% Off Our Swim Collection! $5.99 Flat Rate Shipping! Use Code 740. Up To 80% Off Clearance! Use Code 711 – Valid 2/1
Limited Time BOGO – Online Only! $5.99 Flat Rate Shipping! Use Code 483. Up To 80% Off Clearance! Use Code 711 – Valid 2/2
$5.99 Flat Rate Shipping at Justice & Brothers! Use Code 757 – Valid 2/3
Two Day Clearance Event – Up To 85% Off Clearance! $5.99 Flat Rate Shipping! Use Code 733 – Valid 2/4-2/5
$5.99 Flat Rate Shipping at Justice & Brothers! Use Code 757 – Valid 2/6
One Day Only! Up To 85% Off Clearance! $5.99 Flat Rate Shipping! Use Code 733 – Valid 2/7
Up To 80% Off Clearance! $5.99 Flat Rate Shipping! Use Code 733 – Valid 2/8

Click here:

Football Frenzy! Online Only EXTRA Savings on just about Everything > Shop All Deals

Get Ready for Valentine’s Day! Up to 75% Off Fine Jewelry + Online Only EXTRA 20% off with code KISS

• 2/1-2/7 – Up to 40% off Fitness Equipment + Pacific Evolution Bikes for the Family $89.99 on sale
• 2/2-2/7 – Up to 50% off Valentine’s Day Stuffed Animals & Décor on sale + ALL Easter Décor & Stuffed Animals on sale
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• 2/1-2/7 – Up to 20% off Featured TVs & Electronics featuring Toshiba 50-in 1080p LED HDTV $449.99 on sale
• 2/1-2/7 – ALL Pillows & Mattress Pads on sale! Cannon Total Protection Mattress Pad, Twin $20 on sale
• 2/1-2/28 – Up to 25% off Home Styles Kitchen Carts, ALL Night Therapy Mattresses & Dorel Futons & Bedroom Furnishings
• 2/2-2/7 – ALL Patio Furniture & Grills on sale + FREE Delivery on Patio Furniture orders $399+
• 1/31-2/1 – 5% off Auto Accessories + Members get points
• 2/1-2/28 – Great Values on Snow Removal Equipment
• 2/1-2/7 – Plan Ahead! Up to 30% off featured Swimming Pools

Click here:

Look for $25 gift card coupon with a transferred prescription in their ad. the club!-300x250 banner

Sale through Tuesday.
Apples – 3 lb bag – $2.50
Dannon Greek yogurt – .88
Bar S bologna or hot dogs – $1
Suave lotion 16 oz – .47 after $2 coupon

Online Only: $20 off your qualifying order of $125 or more *excludes technology, HP Ink & Toner, Epson Ink, sale priced furniture and sale priced case paper. Use the Code: 73550274
– 2/1/15 – 2/7/15
Buy 2 Get 1 Free of Select Office Depot Branded 10 Ream Case Paper; limit 2 – 2/1/15 – 2/7/15
Printer Sale! Save over $100 on select printers. 2/1/15 – 2/7/15
2 Day Sale (Mon-Tues) – $28.99 Hammermill® Copy Plus Multipurpose Paper – 2 Days Only! 2/2/15 – 2/3/15
Save up to $230 Select Furniture – 2/1/15 – 2/7/15
2 Days Only (Sun-Mon) – Brenton Studio® Crawley II High-Back Chair. Only $64.99! 2 Days Only! 2/1/15 – 2/2/15
Gear up! Save 25% on select office supplies plus more great deals! 2/1/15 – 2/7/15
Save $600; now $599.99; Dell XPS-11 2-in-1 Ultrabook (11.6″Touch, 4GB, 128GB SSD, Core i5) – 2/1/15 – 2/7/15
Lowest Price of the Season! Save $40 Now $89.99 HP Envy 5530 Wireless Color Inkjet All-in-One Printer – 2/1/15 – 2/7/15
Get 20% back in Bonus Rewards when you buy $59 or more of HP Ink or 2 HP Toners – 2/1/15 – 2/7/15
Brands you love – Save up to 50% on cleaning supplies. 2/1/15 – 2/7/15
Save up to 30% select Flavored K-Cup® Packs, Candy & Chocolate – 2/1/15 – 2/7/15
Save up to $15 select TurboTax® and H&R Block® Software – 2/1/15 – 2/7/15
Laptops on Sale! Including: Toshiba Satellite 17.3″ – Now $399.99 after instant & mail in savings & Dell Inspiron 5000 Series 14″ Touchscreen – Now $499.99! 2/1/15 – 2/7/15
Save 50% select Charmin® Bathroom Tissue – 2/3/15 – 2/7/15
Free Delivery On Qualifying Orders $50 Or More

Click here:

Starting 1/29: 20% off your purchase, online & in stores, at Old Navy. Use code: SAVE. Cannot be combined with Super Cash. Ends 2/4. Restrictions Apply.

Starting 1/29: All Jeans, Shirts & Outerwear ON SALE Up to 40% Off, online & in stores, at Old Navy. Ends 2/4. Restrictions Apply.

Click here:

$7 off your order of $70 or more at!

Save up to 50% off on Midwest crates at

10% off dog & cat toys and treats, CODE: cute10

Click here:

Teddy Bear Delivery

Sale through Saturday.
Get a $5 Up reward with the purchase of a $25 Red Robin or Regal gift card
Get a $5 Up reward with the purchase of a $30 iTunes gift card
Colgate Optic White Toothbrush – .49 after $2 Up Rewards and .50 coupon
GE Halogen Light Bulbs 2 pack or CFL Light Bulbs 3 pack – FREE after $3 Up Reward and $1 coupon
Hersheys Single Serve Candy Bars – .25 after BOGO sale and February Video Values coupon
Garnier Fructis Shampoo or Conditioner or Stylers – $1 after $2 coupon
Softsoap Liquid Hand Soap 5.5-7.5 oz – .73 after BOGO sale and .35 coupon
Colgate Toothpaste Optic White or Enamel Health 4 oz – .99 after $2 Up Rewards
Clear Eyes Eye Drops – $1.99 after $3 Up Reward
Ester C – $2 after BOGO sale and $2/2 coupon
Hersheys Valentine Singles Candy 1-1.5 oz – .36 after February Video Values coupon
Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet Cleaning Gel Kit – $1.50 after BOGO coupon

Get multiple deals! Many of the deals have a limit offer of 2 and sometimes more. Check the circular or price tag at the store to find out the limit offer number.

Look for $25 UP reward coupon with a transferred prescription in their ad – UP rewards expires in 2 weeks.

Join Rite Aid’s Wellness program to get these rewards:
Earn one point for every dollar you spend on non-prescriptions.
Earn 25 points for every prescription you purchase.

Member Benefits Level Status:
Plus – up tp 249
Bronze – 250 points
Silver – 500 points
Gold – 1000 points

Members-only sale pricing.
Load, manage and redeem coupons and +UP Rewards with Load2Card.
Register Rewards on qualifying purchases.
24/7 exclusive access to a pharmacist at 1-800-RITE-AID or
Upromise® Participation.
10% off Rite Aid Brand every day for a year and a 10% off shopping pass with Bronze status.
10% off the entire store for a year with Silver status.
Free health and wellness reward at 500 points with Silver status.
20% off the entire store for a year with Gold status.
Click here for more information:

Get the Rite Aid Video Values coupons at Watch short videos and get coupons!

February sale!
Buy 1 get 1 FREE FingerPaints Nail Color – use code 444445
2 for $11 Orly Nail Lacquer
Save $10 Ion Titanium Styling Tools (excludes Brush Iron & Mini Styling Tools) – use code 444535
Save $5 on Ion Titanium PRO Brush Iron – use code 444536
Save $5 Ion Titanium Mini Flat Iron – use code 444539
Save $2 on Clairol Professional Beautiful Collection Advanced Gray Solution – use code 444299
FREE AGEbeautiful Developer 4 oz up to $2.49 value with ourchase of any AGEbeautiful Hair Color – use code 444166
Buy 1 get 1 FREE Roux Fanci-Full Rinse, Mousse or Hair Care Product up to $11.99 value – use code 444126
Buy 2 get 1 FREE Ion Solutions (Moisturizing, Smooth, Youth Restore, Hair Spray) – use code 444395
Sale – $6.49 Biotera full size Hair Care
Buy 2 get 1 FREE Palladio Cosmetics – use code 444420
Save $3 on 2 Shea Moisture Natural Hair Care (excludes bar soap) – use code 444488
Save $3 on 2 Design Essentials Natural Hair CAre – use code 444473
Save $3 on 2 As I Am Natural Hair Care – use code 444480
Buy 2 get 1 FREE Silk Elements (excludes trial size, packettes, & hot oils) – use code 444493
FREE Miracle 7 Leav-In Mist for Hair Extension with purchase of Euronext Remy Hair Extensions – use code 444574
FREE Miracle 7 Leav-In Mist for Hair Extension with purchase of Design Lengths Remy Clip-In 14″ or 18″ Extensions – use code 444576
FREE Miracle 7 Leav-In Mist for Hair Extension with purchase of Satin Strands Premium Hair 18″ – use code 444601
FREE Miracle 7 Leav-In Mist for Hair Extension with purchase of Statin Strands Preium Hair 22″ – use code 444592

Click here:

Save 50% On Wall Ovens at Sears Outlet!
Save 50% On Cooktops at Sears Outlet!
Save 50% On Built in Microwaves at Sears Outlet!
Save 45% On Ranges at Sears Outlet!
Save 35-40% On Top Freezer Refrigerators at Sears Outlet!
35-40% Off Bottom Freezer And French Door Refrigerators at Sears Outlet!
Save 30% On Freezers at Sears Outlet!
Save 40% On High Efficiency Washers at Sears Outlet!

Click here:

Sale through Saturday.
Get $4 Back in Staples Rewards per recycled cartridge with qualifying HP Ink or Toner purchase. Valid 2/1 through 2/14.
Duracell Coppertop Batteries AA or AAA 24 packs only $9.99 at! Valid 2/1 through 2/7.
Two Days Only! Save 48% on Hammermill Copy Plus Copy Paper.! Valid 2/4 through 2/5.
15% off Steelcase chairs plus Free Shipping.! Valid 2/2 through 2/16.
Free Shipping when you spend $49.99.

Click here:

Sale through Wednesday.
Located next to Gale’s Garden Center in Willoughby Hills.
Bananas – 29 cents/lb
Strawberries – .99
Blueberries – 1 pint – .99
Apples – .99/lb

BIG Deals on Living Healthy at Walgreens

Sale through Saturday.
Culturelle Probiotic Chewables 24 ct – FREE after $10 Register Reward
Docusol Plus Mini Enema 5 ct – FREE after $10 Register Reward
Clear Hair Care 12.7-12.9 oz – PROFIT after 5000 max Balance Rewards Points and $2 coupon
Nature Made Super B Complex 60 ct – .50 after $2/2 coupon found at and $1/2 coupon from Walgreens Answers Vitamins and Supplements Booklet (in pharmacy area)
Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet Gel 6 ct – .88 after $1.50 Register Reward with purchase of 2 and buy 1 get 1 free coupon
Balance Bar or Pure Protein Bar – .38 after 1000 max Balance Rewards Points with purchase of 10 and ten $1/2 coupons
Butterball Turkey Bacon 6 oz – .74 after .55 coupon

20% Off Photo Orders $20+ with Coupon Code: DEALFORU20
30% Off Photo Orders $30+ with Coupon Code: DEALFORU30
$10 Off Photo Orders $50+ with Coupon Code: TENDEAL50
Buy One Photo Wood Panel Get One Free with Coupon Code: BUYONEGET1
40% OFF Everything Photo with Coupon Code: DEALFORTY

Click here:

Join Balance Rewards to earn points on thousands of items, including every prescription and immunization. Purchase items in-store or online to earn points. Redeem points for dollar rewards that you can get instantly at the checkout.
Click here to get enrolled:
Walgreens Reward Program

• Save on sale items with card
• Get 500 points for every prescription and immunization
• Earn points on thousands of items each week
• Get 10 points for every mile when you Walk with Walgreens
• Redeem instantly with as few as 5,000 points

Points System
5,000 – earn $5
10,000 – earn $10
18,000 – earn $20
30,000 – earn $35
40,000 – earn $50

Get coupons just like the ones in the Red Plum inserts.

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Get ecoupons and more on Saving Star. Just enter in your loyalty card accounts then click on the coupons you want and you’ll get the savings once the item is purchase (can still use manufacturer or store coupon on item). Accumulate the savings and then send it to your PayPal account or other account. Every Friday is Freebie Friday. Get an item for free once you activate the item online and purchase it at a linked loyalty card store.

Here are the store’s that are participating with Saving Star:
A&P, ACME Markets, Albertsons, Baesler’s Market, Baker’s, Bashas’, Big Y, BI-LO, Brookshire’s, Buehlers, C&R Supermarkets, City Market, Copps, Country Mart, County Market, CVS, D&W Fresh Market, Dillons, Dollar General*, Dorothy Lane, Family Dollar*, Family Fare,Family Owned Markets, Farm Fresh, Festival, Food City, Food Emporium, Food Lion, Foodtown, Fred Meyer, Fry’s/Fry’s, Marketplace, Gerbes, Giant Eagle, Giant Food Stores, Giant/Martin’s, Glen’s Markets, Hannaford, Harris Teeter Food Markets, Harvey’s, Hen House, Homeland, Hy-Vee, Ingles, Jack’s SuperValu, JayC, Jewel-Osco, JustSave, Kennies, King Kullen, King Soopers, Kings Super Markets, Kmart, Kroger, Lofinos, Lowes Foods, Main Street Market, Mariano’s, Marsh, Martin’s Food Markets, Martin’s IGA Plus, Martin’s Supermarkets, Meijer*, Metro Market, Omalia’s, Owen’s, Pathmark, Paul’s, Pay Less, Peapod, Pick ‘n Save, Piggly Wiggly in SC or GA, Piggly Wiggly in WI or IL, Price Chopper (KS and MO), Price Chopper (Northeast), QFC, Rainbow,
Ralphs, Reasor’s, Redners, Reid’s, Remke bigg’s, Rite Aid, Roche Bros., Ron’s, Sav-A-Center, Shaw’s, Shoppers Food & Pharmacy, ShopRite, Shurfine, ShurSave, Smith’s, Star Market, Stater Bros. Markets, Stauffers of Kissel Hill, Stop & Shop, Sudbury Farms, Super Fresh, Tadych’s Econofoods, Target*, The Food Emporium, Tops Markets, VG’s, Village Market, Waldbaums, Walgreens*,
Walmart*, Wegmans, Weis Markets, WinCo Foods*, Winn-Dixie

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All You 12 issues for $1.66 300x280

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Take an Additional 20% Off EVERY Magazine in our $4.69 Category. Use Coupon Code SAVE20 During Checkout. Just $3.75 for 1 Year!
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Take an Extra $7.50 off $40 at Best Deal Magazines. Enter Coupon Code SAVE750CJ0208 During Checkout. Offer expires February 8, 2015.

Take an Extra $10 off $50 at Best Deal Magazines. Enter Coupon Code SAVE10CJ0208 During Checkout. Offer expires February 8, 2015.

Take an Extra $15 off $70 at Best Deal Magazines. Enter Coupon Code SAVE15CJ0208 During Checkout. Offer expires February 8, 2015.

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Get these deals and more for annual subscriptions. Use code JOETHECOUPONGUY to get an additional 20% off on selected magazines!

Us Weekly
Price: $19.99
Cover Price: $207.08
You Save: 90.35%

Every Day with Rachael Ray
Price: $4.99
Cover Price: $39.90
You Save: 87.49%

Rolling Stone
Price: $4.99
Cover Price: $101.75
You Save: 95.10%

Weight Watchers
Price: $4.99
Cover Price: $29.94
You Save: 83.33%

Daily Deals for annual subscriptions:
Feb 2-3 Subscribe to Boys’ Life, just $4.99/year!Use Promo Code: 1245
Feb 2-3 Subscribe to W, just $4.99/year!Use Promo Code: 7949
Feb 3-4 Subscribe to Field & Stream, just $4.99/year!Use Promo Code: 1812
Feb 3-4 Subscribe to Natural Health, just $4.99/year!Use Promo Code: 5138
Feb 4-5 Subscribe to Popular Science, just $4.99/year!Use Promo Code: 7947
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CLEVELAND Deals from Specials by

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General 2015 Garage Dream Giveaway

Bob Evans – Chardon and Lakewood – both opened recently
CarMax – 4900 Point Parkway in Warrensville Heights will open Feb. 14th.

MACYS – Richmond Heights closing – up to 50% off most everything – jewelry 50% to 70% off
Big Fun – Lakewood – everything will be 50% in a few weeks.


Listen at 7:18 AM on Wednesdays to WINT 1330 AM as I go over the deals of the week on the Wake Up Lake County Show. Go to to listen to old podcasts or to listen live.

You can Like The Coupon Guy on Facebook at

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© COPYRIGHT 2015 – Joe Daugirdas
Disclosure: This blog accepts forms of compensation. The compensation received may influence the advertising content, topics or posts made in this blog.

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