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Sometimes when one door closes another opens. It’s perhaps time to move onto another chapter of my life and what happened recently has spurred it along.

Unless something drastic changes, the days of writing my deals blog is ending. As I near retirement age, it’s something that was always on the back-burner and it looks like that time has come. I knew one day I’d have to retire my Coupon Guy cape or if anything, pull it out for special occasions.

What triggered it was, recently, one of my commission advertiser publishers decided, for no real good reason, to end my affiliation with them. Not that I made any good money from them and enough to cover my costs. The hours I put into the blog and web-site were also substantial and cut into other projects I needed to get done. I didn’t mind, because I knew I was helping many people and I enjoyed being a “reporter” and all.

A paid subscription could be an option, but that takes time to set up and I don’t know that there is enough interest in it. People have so many options for finding deals and all and sometimes too much data can be over-whelming. However, many years ago there were a lot of local deals blogs and groups and those disappeared too.

The number of classes I teach waned too. I used to teach 2 to 3 classes a week back in the couponing heyday. For some reason, it dropped off to nearly nothing even though finances are tough for many. Maybe the economy isn’t that bad after all. The Pandemic first led to a decrease in the number of classes I taught. During that time, many of my contacts at the libraries that booked me have moved on. Libraries also lost a lot of funding from the state, so their budgets were limited too. Either way, I was always happy to help teach those that needed to save more money.

I enjoy teaching classes, so I don’t see that ending. I’ll always be open to teaching classes. I’ve taught tens of thousands of people to save money. Aside from helping teach how to save in my Couponing/Savvy Shopper class, I’ve taught classes on how to save on weddings, travel, gas, for mothers, for teens, for seniors, for the blind and deaf, cutting the cord, and others. I got to know how to get around Ohio just by going to the multitude of libraries in the state.

The couponing world has also changed. Gone are the days of tons of coupons in newspapers and rebate or rewards programs. Now, the Corporate world is all about profits. They eliminated sales ads and all the programs that couponers enjoyed, especially all the freebies. No more double coupons too. The Extreme Couponing show didn’t help things. Even television segments on saving money and coupons waned. I used to have to keep a clean long-sleeved shirt in my car in case a TV station contacted me to do a last-minute segment. Not anymore. But just like everything, it will cycle back one of these days.

I’ll need another outlet for my creative juices. All the typing cramped up my hands, arms and shoulders, so I won’t miss that. Perhaps I’ll have another calling late in life…or not.

Thanks to all that have stuck with me all these years as I posted deals, news, and stories. I appreciate all the nice messages I received all these years too and other messages. Some of you even became friends.

So as I figure out my next steps, I may post a smidge on my Coupon Guy Facebook page and my web-site. In the meantime, keep on saving!

Savvy Shopper 2020

Get the Savvy Shopper Booklet and learn how to save tons of money! The booklet has over 200 pages with thousands of money-saving tips. Great for someone just starting out or wants to learn more ways to save money. Only $13 plus get FREE shipping! Learn to save thousands and thousands of dollars!

Included in the booklet are ways to save on these topics:
Rules for Saving, Shopping Tips, Money Saving Apps, Negotiating Savings, Budgeting, Consumer Protection, Coupons, Coupon Booklets, Daily Deals, Rebates, Best Price & Service Guarantees/Price Matching, Rain Checks, Mail/Shipping Orders, Clearance Items, Returns, Receipts, Warranties, Store Loyalty/Rewards Cards, Gift Certificates/Gift Cards, Freebies, Buy One Get One Free Deals, Store Closings, Dollar Stores, Thrift Stores, Garage Sales/Flea Markets, Outlet Stores, Shopping Club Memberships (Warehouse stores), Auctions, Clothing, Restaurant/Bar Deals, Food & Beverage Deals, Entertainment Deals, Books/Magazines/Newspapers, Birthday Deals, Travel Savings, International Travel, Gasoline Savings, Car Savings, Parking Savings, Home Purchase/Mortgage, Home Maintenance/Items, Home Heating/Energy, Employer/Local Corporation Savings/Discounts, Banks/Payday Lenders, Credit Cards/Credit Scores, Taxes, Legal, Debt Help, Insurance, Children, Schooling, Weddings, Marriage/Relationships, Health, Sports, Jobs, Retirement, Charity, Social, Pets, Haircuts, New!: Cutting the Cord, Technology/Internet/Computers/Electronics, Etc., Phone Savings, Cell Phones, Miscellaneous Tips/Information, Traits of Savers vs. Spenders, Other Money Saving Web-sites

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The new Our Town book will be available in October.
Purchase here:

Learn how to save a ton of money at one of my classes! All classes are free unless otherwise noted. Be sure to register for libraries that require registration as some have waiting lists. I hope to see you there! To view my upcoming class schedule please go to:

At my Couponing/Savvy Shopper class learn how to consistently save 70% and more through couponing, sales, and rewards programs on groceries and toiletries. Find out new ways to save money on restaurants, utilities, cell/smart phones, travel, gas, prescriptions, clothes, and much more! Discover the psychological aspects of shopping and saving money. Find out how to save too much money!

At my Travel Affordably class learn how to get the best deals on car rentals, flights, cruises, lodging, and transportation. Find out how to save on entertainment and restaurants at your destination. You’ll learn where to find flights to Hawaii and Europe for around $300, Cruises for 80% off or more, free flights, the best places to economically travel, and travel saving secrets.

At my Cutting the Cord class find out your options to getting rid of cable. Learn ways to cut costs. Discover how to get free TV, including using an easy-to-install antenna or free streaming video services. Find out your options for streaming video devices, including Roku, Apple TV, Google Chromecast, or Amazon Fire TV Stick and what shows you can access with them, including live TV and sports. Find out which of the many streaming video services from Hulu, Sling, Netflix, to Disney+ and many more are best for you. Make sense of all the confusion of switching from cable to another service and the technical parameters needed to do so. Find out how much you can save!

Tuesday, October 15, 2024 – Travel Affordably Class – Aurora Community Education – 7:00 pm – FEE – Register at:

Tuesday, October 22, 2024 – Cutting the Cord Class – Aurora Community Education – 7:00 pm – FEE – Register at:

If you’re interested in booking a class for your organization whether it be a PTA, Senior Center, Business, Church, or Library, please contact me at or 440-227-6223. I can tailor the topics to your organization.

If you’d like for me to teach a class at your local library, feel free to contact your library and request me. Have them get a hold of me at to book me. Thank you!

Honeygrow Noodles – 17830 Royalton Road in Strongsville
Original Pancake House – 15315 Pearl Rd in Strongsville
Canopy – 1947 W 25th above Market Garden Brewpub in Ohio City
Masa & Agave – 777 St. Clair Ave. at the Westin Cleveland Downtown
Jamerican Kitchen – 3365 Richmond Road Suite 125 in Beachwood
Coyoacán Taqueria & Brew – 13133 Shaker Square in Cleveland
B&B Theatres Macedonia 15 – 8161 Macedonia Commons Blvd. in Macedonia
Bad Medicine’s – 13334 Lorain Avenue in West Park in Cleveland
Chopt Creative Salad Co. – 28801 Chagrin Blvd. in the Eton Collection in Woodmere
Arthur Treacher’s Fish & Chips – 13216 Cedar Road in Cleveland Heights
Pinball Palace – 6277 Pearl Road in Parma
Jolene – 2038 East 4th St. in downtown Cleveland
Cafe Indigo – Shaker Square in Shaker Heights
Five Below – 1720 Snow Road in Parma
OneKitchen – Jack Thistledown Racino at 21501 Emery Road in North Randall
The Friars’ Table – 1305 Euclid Ave. in downtown Cleveland
Gold Galaxy – 4057 Richmond Road in Harvard Park in Warrensville Heights
Aladdin’s Eatery – 951 N. Court Street in Medina
Aldi – 6820 Pearl Road in Middleburg Heights
The Peach Cobbler Factory – 6901 Rockside Rd Ste 139 in Independence
Savvy Sliders – 14601 Snow Rd in Brook Park
Vicous Biscuit – 3900 Medina Rd in Akron
One Pot USA – 1825 Coventry Rd in Cleveland Heights
Cafe Blanc – 6500 Pearl Rd in Parma Heights
Globe Iron – Music Venue at 2325 Elm Street in the West Bank of the Flats
Café Lola – 86 North Main St. in Chagrin Falls
Tommy Boy’s Pizza & Pub – 8330 Tyler Blvd in Mentor
Original Antonio’s Pizza – 5722 Chevrolet Blvd. in Parma
Birdietown Mini Golf and Lounge – 12501 Madison Ave in Lakewood
Milts Parrot Shop – 1488 Mentor Avenue in Painesville

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© COPYRIGHT 2024 – Joe Daugirdas
Disclosure: This blog accepts forms of compensation. The compensation received may influence the advertising content, topics or posts made in this blog. Offers are subject to change.

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