Get a 20 lb bag of bird seed for $3.33 (3 for $10). Great on salads! Now I’m not that much into eating animal food, but my cat seems to enjoy some human food. I have some raspberries growing in the front yard. I picked some and left them on the kitchen counter the other day. I noticed that some were smushed up when I got home that evening. I just thought my wife might have man-handled them and I thought nothing of it.
The next day I noticed the cat jumping from the counter right where the raspberries were located. And now today I asked my wife if she had some raspberries I picked yesterday, including some golden raspberries. She said no, there weren’t any. Apparently Meow Mix needs to consider making raspberry salmon flavored cat food. My cat Dummy is apparently nuts for raspberries. If I see my cat painting tapestry in the living room or some other humanistic trait I will see if I can get him to do a load of laundry or something more human-like that will benefit us.