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Do you wash off your vegetables and fruits before you eat them? Now let’s count the people who touch your produce. First the farmer and his kids may paw at your fruit and vegetables when they are checking their crops. Next are the people who may pick the produce. It sure gets hot and sweaty out in the fields. Next the shipper takes them and it goes to the seller. Lift. Touch. Open. Touch. Nobody checks to see if any of these people wash their hands before handling the produce and a lot of drinking fluids are needed during all these chores.
Next are the people who buy the produce. I don’t know about you, but I usually analyze each one I buy. I look for any rotted areas, bugs, mold, images of Potsie Weber or Nipsey Russel on them, foreign nodules, and more. Figure that maybe there may be at least a few other customers that handle the produce you buy. Then unless you bagged it already the cashier then jingle jangles it trying to find the code on it – I also like the, “what is this” question, waving a sprig of mint or rhubarb.
So figure that there is a glaze of people film on each item you buy. The wax and preservatives gum it up more too. So think of the produce you buy as a candy apple with lots of layers of goodies on it. And I’m sure there are a always a batch that gets dropped on the floor and put right back on the display. Canned produce never looked so good. And now you will always think of this story when you buy produce for the rest of your life.