(Back Row) Thor Sr, Vanna, (Front Row) Thor Jr, Hank, & Vanilla Ice

Receive $50 in Come Back Cash by mail redeemable for men’s apparel when you purchase $50 or more on any combination of men’s apparel. See store for details. Offer valid 6/11/10 to 6/20/10.

Thu., June 17 vs. Mets, 7:05 p.m. Catch the game and save up to 50% off select sections.
Buy tickets now:

Click here to get a $10 off a $50 purchase coupon:
Online deal:
Promo: Get FREE SHIPPING when you spend $75 or more on any Old Navy purchase. Enter promo code ONFREE75 at checkout. Starts 6/11/10 and ends 6/20/10.
Find and order their amazing item of the week online.
Click here to shop:

Local store only open about a year started by someone that wanted to start a business after being unemployed. On Saturday June 19th, all clothes sold outside the store are $1 each-cash only. The store is for Plus Sized Women’s Clothing size 16 to 6x. Located at 13902 Puritas Ave, Cleveland, OH 44135. Phone: 216-251-9591 Hours: Wed-Fri 11-7, Sat 10-6, Closed Sun-Tues.

Fresco Eatery & Bar – 25939 Detroit Rd – Westlake
FirstWatch cafe – the first 500 people on June 12th will receive a complimentary, limited-edition coffee mug – Eastgate Shopping Center
Great Clips – Harvard Park on Richmond Road in Warrensville Hts – Coupon in this past Wednesday’s PD ad for $5.99. 
Hollywood Video – all stores
Stutzman’s Bi-Rite – Cuyahoga Falls
Reserve your 2011 Entertainment Book and receive a FREE 2010 book, good through November 1st. Deal valid 6/1/10-7/5/10.
Click here to order:

Valpak had a coupon for a free $7 ticket (non-Fireworks night) good at the Captain’s box office. 

Coinstar owns Redbox
1) Jacob
2) Ethan
3) Michael
4) Alexander
5) William
6) Joshua
7) Daniel
8) Jayden
9) Noah
10) Anthony
1) Isabella
2) Emma
3) Olivia
4) Sophia
5) Ava
6) Emily
7) Madison
8) Abigail
9) Chloe
10) Mia
10) Hank
9) P Ölaf (precursor to P Diddy)
8) Norsebert
7) Sven
6) Leef (usually spelled LEIF – back in those times it was usually spelled with an I, but parents decided to fufill their need for uniqueness by changing the I to E – the uniqueness quickly fell out of favor as many parents named their child LEEF)
5) Thor Jr.
4) Bjorn
3) Lucky
2) Rick (Richard on the birth certificate)
1) Vanilla Ice

Can you raed tihs masgege? Eevn wehn the wrdos are mpsileled you can raed it bcesuase you barin can diecihepr wdros as lnog as the frsit and lsat lteters are creorct. Naet huh?
Do you shop at Warehouse Clubs, everyday low price stores, dollar stores, high-low supermarkets, or some other store for your groceries?  I go to stores where I can save 70% on up grocery shopping, that being Giant Eagle mostly.  Many people tell me they don’t shop there because the prices are high.  Yes they are if you purchase items that aren’t on sale.  I always look for items that are half off and plus I have to have a coupon for the item.  I can find pretty much everything I want over a two month period on sale for at least half off.  Problem is most people aren’t patient enough to wait for the item to go on sale.  But just because I write down chicken and beans on my shopping list, doesn’t mean I have to get them that week.  I instead focus my shopping as to what is on sale.  High price problem solved.

If you like to go to stores that have an everyday low price like Marcs and Wal-Mart you will do ok.  But you will never save 70% on up like you can at a store that doubles coupons and has half off items on sale every week.  Wal-Mart just started to price some items using the low-high method.  Higher priced some weeks, but lower priced on sale other weeks.

Where don’t I shop?  Warehouse Clubs.  I don’t want to pay a store to shop there.  Plus most like Sam’s Club and Costoc don’t take coupons (BJ’s does).  They sell in bulk which isn’t always cheaper.  If you throw away any of the bulk product you buy then you’ve increased the price of what you paid for that item.

Dollar stores are like the everyday low price stores.  But the quality is usually suspect.  If I have to buy 5 of the same low-priced items over a years time where 2 higher-priced quality items will suffice, then am I really getting a better deal?  If the price is a dollar, can I find it on sale at some other store for 59 cents?  

People put a high emphasis on convenience.  If they can go shopping at one store and get all they need, but pay 30% to 50% more they are ok with it.  Over a year is that convenience worth thousands of dollars?  Being anxious about not having money trumps convenience if you ask me.  Your stomach will making f-noooting sounds when you don’t have enough to cover the bills.

I hate to say it, but some stores are made for the shoppers that don’t like to have to shop around for deals and use coupons.  It’s not that they don’t need to save the money, it’s just that they don’t want to bother with it.  Sadly, that attitude will probably get them into money problems somewhere down the line.  It affects their lifestyle in other ways too.  They can’t go out to dinners, entertainment, vacations, etc. because they can’t afford it, but they don’t want to sacrifice a couple hours to save the money so they can afford those things.  Money problems can easily lead to divorce or relationship problems.  Take those few hours a week in arguing and take the time to get the deals instead.  You’ll feel better about it.  With the tough economy some people are now finding out the hard way that their spending needs to be in line with their earnings.  

Stores know people aren’t committed to cut coupons, dig through sale ads, and go to different stores to get the best bargains.  But if someone spends an extra two hours a week getting the best deals and it saves me $10,000 a year, is it worth it?  In some families those two hours are spent fighting about money.  Some get second jobs that pay about that much, yet are many more hours a week to get that amount of money.  

Some people make tons of excuses:
I’m buying stuff I won’t use (then donate it if it’s free)
I don’t have time (skip watching TV, chatting hours on the phone, and internet surfing – do you really need to get that extra cow in Farmville)
I don’t like that store (read: I had one bad experience or it’s not fancy enough for me, the food is bad there, etc. – if I did a blind taste test, would you know the difference?  Did you let management know of the issues?  Give them the chance to fix it.  Would you want no chances if it was your business?)
I can’t find what I want on sale (do you really need it?)
I don’t feel like shopping around for the deals (how does struggling with money every day feel otherwise?)
The stores where I can save money are too far away (driving will cost more in gas and all, but are we talking an extra twenty minutes or an hour?).
Are your excuses valid? Or are you frustrated because of some challenges you ran into that can probably be solved with some effort? Fixing the excuse can fix the problem.
There are many people that are newly unemployed that wished they saved more.  Something to think about….

50% off sale until the end of June.

Free unlimited wi-fi starting next month at all of their company-operated U.S. locations. They previously gave two hours free per day and then charged $3.99 for each hour after, or about the price of a small coffee or is that grande or venti.

Did you notice how some companies like Foxconn and Honda have up their wages to their workers, some by over 30%.  But when you make $200 a month that is still peanuts for a raise.  Looks like the workers now want in on all the money that’s being made in China.  Foxconn, the makers of iPhones, even had a spate of suicides of their workers enough so that they had nets installed on some of their buildings.  Apparently they were over-worked, under-paid, and under-appreciated.  Not a good combination. 

As the standard of living improves in these countries I hope to see manufacturing come back to the US.  Their lack of health and safety standards will also help give the US the upper hand.  Finding Cadmium and other toxic substances on their products will reveal that just because it’s cheap doesn’t mean they are the same as what you would buy in the U.S.  The US does a better job of regulating safety and health in their products, but more regulation is need to make sure what we import is safe as seen by the many cases of toxic merchandise on shelves that came from China.  Profits (read: greed) should never be above safety and health.    
Here’s the story:
50% off one regular-priced item coupon in the ad this week.  You can also get the discount online.  Use code NFSE168 – Sun to Thurs or code NFSE170 on Fri/Sat. Use your Joann Fabric gift cards from Giant Eagle to get GetGo dollars!
Click here to order online and to find their clearance items:

Free after extra bucks:
Old Spice or Gillette Body Wash – use bogo coupon to get two for free.
Power Bar
Gillette Proglide razor – 97 cents after $4 coupon
Shick Hydro Razor – free after $5 coupon – AND then get your money back for the full price with a free rebate from Shick at
Covergirl lipcolor – 99 cents after $1 coupon

Free after register rewards:
Nivea for Men
Hershey’s Candy – 4 for $5 after register rewards – plus use two 2/$1 coupons
Shick Hydro Razor – $3.99 after register rewards – make money after $5 coupon – AND then get your money back for the full price with a free rebate from Shick at
Reach toothbrush or floss – free after recent coupon

Get $10 off a $50 purchase online. Use code SUMMER10. Ends 6/19.
Get 50 4×6 prints for $5.
To get these deals go to: WALGREENS.COM

Free after rebate:
Gillette or Old Spice Body Wash – plus use BOGO coupon
Herbal Essence shampoo – 99 cents after rebate plus use $1 coupon to get it free
Get restaurant gift certificates 70% off PLUS get a free $10 Lobster Gram! Spend $3 for $25 gift certificates! Use 70% Off coupon code FATHER on any three of their popular products: Gift Certificates, Dinner of the Month Club, and Gift Cards. Ends 6/20.

Click here to order:

ENDS TODAY! Check you store to see if they are doubling. They are doubling coupons of $2 and less. Super doubles end Tuesday, 6/15! I found some freebie doubles:
KC Masterpiece BBQ sauce
Sweet Rays BBQ sauce
Visine for contacts

Ben Gay – 63 cents after $2 coupon
Pepsi 2 liter (from tag) – 25 cents each after 2/$1 coupon
Roman Meal Bread – 49 cents after $1 internet coupon
Cheetos – 99 cents after $1 coupon
Ovaltine – 49 cents after $2 internet coupon
Wheat Thins – 88 cents after $1 coupon
Heinz steak sauce – 49 cents after $2 coupon

Click here to find some good doubling coupons to use:
Many other deals. I need to go back.

AUTOMOBILE – Additional 20% Off – $3.75 for 1 year – Coupon Code: WKLYSPEC
FAMILY FUN – Additional 20% Off – $3.75 for 1 year – Coupon Code: WKLYSPEC

Daily Deals:
6/14 – Garden & Gun 1 Year – $3.99
6/15 – Every Day with Rachael Ray 1 Year – $4.29
6/16 – Guideposts 1 Year – $7.49
6/17 – Harper’s Bazaar 1 Year – $4.29
6/18 – Motor Trend 1 Year – $4.29
6/19 – Golfweek 1 Year – $9.49
6/20 – Car & Driver 1 Year – $4.29

Take An Extra 15% Off Most Titles – Code: PXCJ620 Offer Expires June 20, 2010
TAKE AN EXTRA $5 OFF $30 ORDER COUPON – Code: MNDCJ620 Offer Expires June 20, 2010
TAKE AN EXTRA $7.50 OFF $40 ORDER COUPON – Code: MQQCJ620 Offer Expires June 20, 2010
TAKE AN EXTRA $10 OFF $50 ORDER COUPON – Code: MQPCJ620 Offer Expires June 20, 2010
Click here to order:

Getting married this summer? Need some wedding favors or reception items? Or maybe you want to get pounds of Jordan almonds for yourself. For 3 days only, get free ground shipping on order of $125 or more. Offer valid Wednesday, 6/16 through Friday, 6/18 only. Save uo to 65%. All of their best-selling personalized napkins and matches are on sale from $17.99/100.
Click here to shop:


2 Responses to “DEALS O’ THE WEEK”

  1. BBG London says:

    Great post. I really appreciate the information. You are doing a great job communicating your message. Keep up the great job.

  2. Administrator says:


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