Before you read this you might want to watch these videos. Here is a link to some Value City Furniture commercials:
Is it just me or are you also mesmerized by those dancing people on the Value City Furniture commercials. I can’t totally put my finger on it, but I think their dancing is so intriguing because they either are dancing without a drop of alcoho or they are all suffering from some type of chronic muscle spasms that looks like dancing. I suspect the latter. It’s like those people that stand outside the business they work for with sandwich-board signs on them waving around to get your attention. I want to look, but I don’t. And of course, I end up looking…intently. It’s just like a song that gets stuck in your head.
All I can say is they better end those commercials because I can’t concentrate on what I’m doing when it’s on. The gal gyrating next to a recliner looks like she is developing relations with it. Then a guy pops in and it looks like he is doing the chicken dance or possibly putting out a fire. Even the kids that are dancing seem like their are in a zombie voodoo trance while jerking around as if their body was possessed by some illicit being or they are preparing themselves to have a sensational bowel movement.
Remember when they had Abe Lincoln and George Washington dancing in their one commercial during their President’s Day sale? I will never look at them the same now. I don’t want to see my Presidents doing the electric boogaloo. Or dancing around furniture for that matter.
I’d like to see the auditions to be a dancer in their commercials. Ok, send out auditioner #1. Nope, he has too much rhythm. #2. She’s ok, but is better off auditioning for a music video. Hey now. Dancer #3 looks like he either is vigorously looking for a quarter he dropped or we have ourselves our newest dancer. And what do we have here with dancer #4. I’m either going to see someone give birth or we got a fresh new dancer.
12) lemony
11) ruptured
10) whilst
9) finagled
8) handkerchief
7) Snooki
6) traipse
5) riboflavin
4) wonky
3) happenstance
2) esophagus
1) haberdashery
Now I will use all the words above in a story.
Me and Snooki were shopping at a haberdashery. As we traipse in I realized that I didn’t have my daily recommended allowance of riboflavin. I can tell because my esophagus gets a little wonky when I don’t. It was happenstance that whilst we walked in the store I saw my friend Paco. I finagled a handkerchief out of my back pocket and gave it to him. Don’t worry, I just washed it and maybe had only two sneezes in it. I noticed that Snooki smelled a little lemony. My spleen ruptured. End of the story.
Kohls – Brimfield
Mexicana Airlines – bankrupt
New rules started for gift cards purchased after August 22nd. Some of the keys things that changed are that gift cards now must hold their value for 5 years, BUT they can lose value after 1 year if the card isn’t used during that year. From there an issuer can hit you up with a monthly fee that will cause the card to lose value. So blow through your current gifts cards. Most have 1-800 numbers on the card where you can check you balance. Make it a gift card week because you’re special!
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Most summer items are 75% off.
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Chesterland – The Our Town coupon book has a BOGO meal for up to $13 off. Plus they have discontinued bottles of wine for $14 and glasses for $3 each. We got a bottle of Chateau St Michelle Geuweurtriminer for $14. Great deal!
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Look for .60 Raisin Bran coupon in the magazine. There is also a couple Libby’s coupon too.
Look for coupons for Chick Fil A in the Sunday PD in the Discover Northeast Ohio section.
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