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March 1st means new coupons to print with the beginning of the month on Each start of the month means the coupons reset and you can print new ones and some old ones again. Over 200 coupons to print! Print them twice per laptop/PC. They will double at stores as per their rules – Giant Eagle, Dave’s Supermarket, and Buehlers doubles coupons of 99 cents and less. Get them before they disappear!

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Click here to print the coupons:

Print Free Coupons

Double coupons are coupons that are doubled in value at the register by certain stores. There are a handful of stores in the area that double coupons, including Giant Eagle, Buehlers, and Dave’s Supermarket. They double coupons of .99 and less 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. So for instance, a .75 coupon will double to $1.50 off. Internet coupons work too. The cashier just scans the coupon and it will double.

If it wasn’t for double coupons, I wouldn’t shop at Giant Eagle. The doubles allow me to save 70% and more every time I go shopping there. Without the doubles they aren’t any different than most other stores.

Kmart doubles at times too. They are doubling coupons of $2 and less this week ($2 coupon will double to $4 off). They are called Super doubles since the coupon amount of $2 is doubled instead of .99. There is a limit of 5 super doubles with a purchase of $25 or more.

Some coupons do say ‘do not double’ and their UPC barcode usually starts with a 9. Some start with a 5 and they end up doubling anyway.

Kroger’s started ending their doubles a few years back region by region and they said they were lowering prices which were found to be short-lived or untrue. A site called BringBackDoubles on Facebook was started to try to sway Kroger to change their mind. It can be found at

Giant Eagle tried to end doubles years ago, but we consumers led campaigns to bring them back and they did. They realized how much doubling meant to savings, especially to an area like Cleveland that has some of the highest poverty rates in the nation. Thankfully, they kept them and I’ve been a loyal customer ever since.

Walmart ran ads in newspapers that showed how their savings were around 10% to 20% less on certain items and Giant Eagle decided to lower their prices to keep them from stating as such as easily. Walmart hasn’t run the ads recently as the prices at Walmart have gone up and Giant Eagle’s have gone down. Any store can find 25 items that are priced 10% or more less than another store out of their thousands of items, so it was really deceptive to make it seem like you can save that much on all the items. A 10% or 15% savings isn’t all that much when you’re comparing non-sale prices too. Plus they didn’t take into consideration sales (Walmart doesn’t have “sales”), double coupons, Fuelperks, e-Offers, and other benefits that Giant Eagle had over Walmart. It really wasn’t that much in savings anyway as a double coupon can save and additional 10% to 40% or more off an item. Giant Eagle should have exploited those differences to show how much more can be saved at Giant Eagle, but they didn’t. They need funny TV ads that will stick in the consumers minds.

I noticed at Giant Eagle that they are advertising their eOffers next to the items that are offering them, but many customers don’t bother with the eOffers. Why? Because, again, Giant Eagle needs to do more to connect them to customers. By that I mean teaching them what they are. Have the cashier mention them to each customer as they ring them up. Same with double coupons. Before long all the customers will equate all the savings that Giant Eagle offers as being superior to other stores.

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Big changes at Wal-mart! Look for the changes to affect other stores too and the economy. Approximately 500,000 full-time and part-time associates at Walmart US stores and Sam’s Clubs (Walmart owns Sam’s Club) will receive pay raises from $7.25 to $9.00 in April. On February 1, 2016 pay will increase to at least $10.00 per hour for those making less than that amount. They are also increasing pay for their department managers to at least $13.00 an hour this summer and at least $15.00 an hour early next year.

How will Walmart increasing pay affect other businesses? It will. A lot. As the biggest employer in the world, as Walmart goes, so do other businesses. The change will not only affect Walmart, but any company that pays at or near the minimum wage as others will be forced to increase their pay at the risk of losing workers to competitors. Many large retailers like Gap, IKEA, TJ Maxx and other employers have already bumped up their pay scales or plan to besides Walmart.

There are a few reasons that motivated Walmart to make the move, including poor service ratings, decreasing sales, poor worker morale, a shrinking workforce, more competition for workers, and high turnover. The low wages can even lead to “shrinkage” as employees steal from the store to make ends meet. Better pay will lead to better employees that are happy to work there and it will show in how they interface with customers. Improved customer service will increase sales. I’m sure Walmart analytics found that the combination of low wages and high turnover was costing them more than just increasing the wages. Costco’s average wage is $20 and their stock keeps increasing and people love to shop there, partly because of their great customer service.

Many states have already increased their minimum wage to $9 or more. Some may say, get rid of the minimum wage and let supply and demand affect wages. The problem with that theory is that they are expecting businesses to do the right thing. Greed and power do funny things to people and companies. We wouldn’t have lawyers if everyone played fair. And that’s why unions came to be and helped level the playing field. However, unions are seeing their ranks go down and during that same time wages have gone down or stagnated. If companies tilt too much and cause an imbalance in pay fairness then the low paid will feel they have nothing to lose and decide to start a union. Unions were making some inroads at their stores and strikes at Walmart have hurt them. The increased number of strikes at some stores during Black Friday might have given pause to Walmart that they may be at that tipping point. Unions have also suffered through greed and power and that is why they are also hurting. Just like Walmart will still have a stigma that they are greedy when they made billions in profits is why unions will have a hard time removing the stigma of some of their negative aspects even if they have changed. On the other hand unions have helped workers by bringing about many worker benefits including Paid vacation, Social Security, Overtime pay, the Occupational Safety & Health Act, minimum wage, Holiday pay, breaks at work, including your lunch breaks and Military leave. If companies are pro-active in aiding workers, then there wouldn’t be much of a need for unions.

Their new CEO also made some other changes for workers that are a step in the right direction that will improve morale. He realized that sometimes companies have to give rather than take. Just watch any of the Undercover Boss shows and you will see how many times the CEO is oblivious to how tough it is for workers and then shower some singular workers they interacted with on the show with cash and vacations because they found out how tough their lives are by getting paid diddly. The problem is if those same workers knew they were talking to the CEO they wouldn’t have told them half of their travails had they know that they were talking to the CEO because they would have been afraid of losing their job for telling the truth. That is where the show makes TV gold. When the fear of losing your job isn’t there, workers will communicate all that needs to be done to make the company successful. Just like any relationship, honesty lets people choose their path on whether they want to make things better.

What the new CEO at Walmart is planning to do is to offer some associates fixed schedules, allow them to see their schedules 2.5 weeks in advance, and through new software allow associates to pick open shifts if they want to work more hours. We’ll see how things go, but all this is a step in the right direction.

Is there another reason Walmart is making these changes? Yes. Walmart was in a bit of a death spiral. Walmart has had six straight months of declining same-store sales and it didn’t look like things would get better. Many people are turned off of Walmart because of the way they treat workers, by their switch to China-made products, and because of their behemoth nature infiltrating small towns that killed small mom and pop stores, so they have to woo customers back. Many people stopped shopping at Walmart, including myself, because they didn’t value their workers enough even though they made billions in profits. It was getting so bad that Walmart lost many lawsuits for cheating workers out of pay they earned and by not paying woman the same as men in similar positions, amongst other lawsuits.

The changes will also help them financially as the very workers and demographic that Walmart caters to kept them from spending money at their stores because they had less discretionary income to spend at their stores. People went to even cheaper alternatives like dollar stores or no-frills stores like Aldi. Walmart even had to implement a “price-match” system just to keep from losing more customers. If you ask me, the store with the lower priced items deserves the business and not the one where you have to waste time price-matching items.

They issued an “urgent agenda” memo to its store managers as reported by the NY Times last year. They said they wanted to boost sales of “chilled and fresh” food and to make sure they discount aging meat and baked goods to maximize chances of selling them before their expiration dates. They plan to open smaller format stores instead of supercenters. Look for other changes too as they try to figure out how to increase sales.

Walmart had cut an average of 50 people per supercenter and were only hiring part-time or temporary employees. It lead to lower productivity and weak same-store sales. But they cut labor costs, so that should make things better financially they though! Needless to say, their poor results showed that didn’t work. A baseball team plays better with 9 players on the field rather than 5. Sure, you can still play baseball with 5, but things work so much easier when you have a full team.

Turnover and inexperience hurt Walmart too so the increase in pay was made to stem those issues too. For instance, they found that mostly part-time crews can stock, on average, 300 cases in an eight-hour night shift, while day-stocking crews are lucky to be able to stock 50 to 60 cases. There were issues with day stocking conducted on Saturdays and Sundays, coupled with eliminating Saturday-night stocking altogether in many locations. They found productivity could be much higher, but with so many temporary and inexperienced part-timers, the blended productively rate settled at roughly 40 to 50 cases when in most cases, a veteran day stocker could stock on average 100 cases on the shelves per shift. So it’s like getting two workers in one when you have an experience stocker!

The stores have been tasked to improve the customer experience. Walmart was rated the lowest again this past year by the American Customer Satisfaction Index survey ( ). With empty shelves and slow checkout lines being two major problems impacting customers at under-performing stores they needed to make changes. To fix these problems Walmart is working on improving its inventory efficiency and they are planning to open more checkout lines then ever before during peak shopping hours.

Walmart has also implemented some other changes. The company also says it will also improve its staffing levels and start observing how associates interact with customers through a “secret shopper” program.

Wal-Mart also recently rolled out a new app called Savings Catcher, which helps shoppers compare prices on merchandise and then pays them the cost differences on a gift card. About half of the receipts that the app has processed so far have qualified for a refund because it found lower prices at different stores.

Instead of “everyday lower prices” they will go with dynamic prices to keep up with Amazon. They will switch to more company owned gas stations. They will try to increase booze sales and possibly even their own liquor stores. They will increase the amount of Walmart Express stores, a smaller format store at 10,000 to 40,000 square feet.

I’ve seen lots of “now hiring” signs at retailers and restaurants, so the competition is increasing for workers, albeit mostly low-wage workers. As baby boomers retire the market will not have enough workers to replenish the ranks. Many near-retirement age workers have also given up looking for work. Less workers are keeping a job just to get health insurance now too due to the Affordable Care Act and it shows with the decreasing worker participation rate (percentage of those wanting to work) dipping to around 63% from a record high of around 67% prior to the Great Recession. So it would be wise for companies to do more to keep workers happy.

Then again lots of seniors are still working because they don’t have enough saved for retirement. Many students that have graduated from college aren’t even working jobs of which their degree entailed. As the economy picks up they will move into more white collar jobs.

A factor that puts a twist in hiring and keeping workers is that the Millennial generation isn’t as loyal as previous generations so companies won’t be able to keep talent around like they used to. They expect promotions and at most companies there aren’t many promotions given as the more loyal baby boomer and Generation X stay on the job thus diminishing openings for promotions. Many companies expect workers to pay their dues before they get a promotion too, so that combination will keep Millennials moving from job to job. Many Milennials saw how companies treated their parents by not being loyal to them so they know they have to look out for numero uno. They are more idealistic, so they realize they are their best advocate.

There is a twist with the wage increase that will affect other workers that make more than the increase. Some workers that got paid very low wages even after working years at Walmart will get around the same amount as other workers that are just starting. With a 3% raise each year after starting at the minimum wage of $7.25 a worker will earn $10.03 after 11 years. How would you feel if someone else just off the street got paid the same after 11 years of loyal work? So how they handle those situations will be telling.

There are some companies that pay around $10 an hour for skilled workers so they will need to change their pay scale too. One person I met at one of my classes was an unemployed machinist and he said he was only offered around $10 an hour even though he was an experienced skilled machinist. Yet many companies wonder why they can’t find enough machinists. Too many companies got comfortable paying workers low wages when the economy tanked, even while corporations made record profits. This move by Walmart is a game changer and will set off a domino effect of pay increases to the lowest paid workers. Look for more stores to increase base pay.

The economy tilted the way of the stockholder these past few years as the stock market went from a low of 7,062 in Feb 1, 2009 to over 18,000 today, an increase over 155%. Earnings increases for the most part didn’t go to the workers, but instead went to increasing the price of the stock. Corporations sat on record amounts of cash, so the money is there. This $1 billion investment in workers helps fix an imbalance. Walmart took a 20 cent hit on their earnings with the move.

Their worker’s pay was so low that too many of their workers qualified for government assistance because of their poverty-like wages even though they are the biggest company in the world. The other good thing about this is that the U.S. government won’t have to subsidize Walmart workers because their pay is so low. Many qualified for government assistance, but the increase will lower that amount. Walmart is doing the right thing and some people will start to change their negative perception about them.

I applaud them for their move as too many companies have been making record profits and haven’t invested the money back into their workers even though productivity increased substantially yet they didn’t see their pay increase along with it. Since 1979, median pay has stagnated while productivity has increased over 60%. Since 2000, while productivity has increased nearly 23%, the hourly wage of the median worker rose just .5%. Americans earning the lowest wages (those at the 10th percentile) actually earned less in 2011 than the lowest earners in 1979, so it’s no wonder the working poor are struggling. In context the top 5% of wage earners saw their wages increase by 37% while the top 1% increased 131% during that same period.

Companies that don’t respect the hard work and time put in by their workers will eventually see their company go downward because their workers won’t feel appreciated thus causing morale issues that leads to lessened productivity. High turnover follows. Until the company culture changes and the focus is put on keeping workers happy by being fair about wages then the company will suffer. A happy workforce will lead to stock success as Costco has shown.

You’ll hear rumblings and fear-mongering of price increases, but that might just be a smoke screen. The lowest paid workers will pump their money back into the economy right away, so businesses will see a boost in sales activity.

Another reason prices shouldn’t increase is because Walmart is using their massive profits on their workers rather than their stockholders. It will affect the stock price and bonuses for execs that get stock options. Walmart stock dropped around 3% after the announcement, but has gone up since then so stockholders know the move was anticipated and won’t do as much harm as some so-called experts might say.

Should they increase prices to make up the difference, it could backfire because there are competitors that will beat them in price causing them to lose more business. And again, the same workers getting the increase in pay will be spending much of it at their stores. Low income workers pretty much spend all their income while stockholders don’t. Walmart stock remains around a 5 year high, so stockholders are getting a sense that they are making the right moves.

What remains to be seen is whether they will still not have enough workers at their stores by trying to cut costs by hiring less workers to make up the difference. They were rated the worst retailer for service again this year, so that would be a mistake. If they are now able to retain workers with better pay, I’m sure the workers will work more efficiently and be more productive with the improvements.

Good luck Walmart. You are finally learning you can’t cheap out your way to success.

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Monday, April 20, 2015 – Mentor Library – 7:00 pm – FREE!
Tuesday, April 21, 2015 – Ida Rupp Library – Port Clinton – 7:00 PM – FREE!

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Arrid Deodorant 2.6 oz – $1
Sargento Shreds Cheese 8 oz – $1.60 after .40/2 coupon
Irish Spring Body Wash 15-18 oz – $2 after $2 coupon
Campbells Chunky Soup 15-19 oz – $1.05 after BOGO sale and two .40/2 coupon
Enfamil Infant Formula Reguline – $3.99 after $2/2 coupon
Boneless Center Cut Pork Chops – BOGO
Boneless Country Style Pork Ribs – BOGO
Broccoli bunch – BOGO
Farmers Market Idaho Potatoes 5 lb bag – BOGO
Fresh Boneless Chicken Breasts – BOGO

NEW! Each week get a deal through their new eAdvantage program. Register at

Giant Eagle doubles coupons that are 99 cents or less. That means a .75 coupon will double to $1.50 off. It happens automatically when a coupon that is 99 cents or less is scanned at the register – 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.

Get 10 cents in Fuelperks for every $50 spent ($3 savings).

NEW RULE! An eOffer won’t work if you use a manfacturer coupon for the same item. In the past an eOffer would work along with a manufacturer coupon. An eOffer will supercede a paper coupon. Click here for dozens of eOffers (electronic coupons that link to you card and trigger when you purchase the item – only works once and doesn’t double):

Giant Eagle posts what needs to be purchased in order to trigger a register coupon to print. Find the deals at:


All their stores are closing!
Sale through Tuesday.
Boneless chicken breasts – $1.99/lb
Apples – .99/lb
Deans milk – gallon – $1.99
Delicate Touch Tissues – 160 ct – .79

Good Cents now has a new loyalty card. Get $5 off a $25 purchase when you sign up for their e-mail at

Rubber Stamping & Scrapbooking at!

Get more than 30 free mini-classes online at

Up to 40% off all yarn.

Click Here for Money Saving Coupons at!

Up to 70% off Everyday Storage Items at!

Sign up for JoAnn2Go and Save 20% off Your Next Purchase!

Click here:

Shop Justice: 40% off with code

Get great clothes and accessories deals at Justice Brothers with these discounts:

For Every $50 You Spend Receive $30 Fun Cards & $30 J Bucks – Valid through 4/4
One Day Online Only – 50% Off Everything! Plus, $5.99 Flat Rate Shipping & Up to 80% Off Clearance! Use Code 865 – Valid 2/26
40% Off In-Store & Online! Clearance up to 85% Off and $5.99 Flat Rate Shipping! Use Code 709 – Valid 2/27
40% Off Everything + Online Only get an Extra 20% Off Clearance Jeans Starting at $11.99! Plus, $5.99 Flat Rate Shipping! Use Code 709 – Valid 2/28
40% Off Everything! Spend $150 and get a $25 Instant Credit + Free Shipping! Use Code 844 – Valid 3/1
One Day Online Only – 50% Off Everything! $5.99 Flat Rate Shipping or Free Shipping on purchases over $99! Use Code 857 – Valid 3/2
Two Days Only – Up to 85% Off Clearance! Free Shipping with 3+ Clearance Items or $5.99 Flat Rate Shipping. Use Code 862 – Valid 3/3-3/4
Buy One Get One Free with $5.99 Flat Rate Shipping! Use Code 868 – Valid 3/5
40% Off Everything + An Extra 20% Off Select Easter Outfits! Up to 85% Off Clearance! Use code 758 – Valid 3/6
40 % Off Everything + An Extra 20% Off Select Spring Break Apparel & Accessories! Up to 85% Off Clearance! Use code 758 – Valid 3/7

Click here:

Super Doubles this week! Coupons of $2 and less will double. Must purchase $25. Limit of 5 doubled coupons per customer per day.

Spring into Action! Up to 25% off Swing Sets, Outdoor Playsets & Trampolines

ALL Patio Furniture, Grills & Decor on sale + EXTRA 10% off Patio Furniture & EXTRA 5% off Grills + FREE Delivery

• 3/1-3/7 – Dollar Days Sale! Basic Editions Spring Tops & Bottoms for Kids starting at $6 + Spring Kids’ Apparel on sale up to 25% off
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• 3/1-3/7 – ALL Easter Stuffed Animals, Baskets & Décor on sale + FREE Shipping orders $59+
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• 3/1-4/4 – Buy More, Save More! EXTRA $15-$30 off Outdoor Living code KODLBMSM + FREE Delivery on Patio Furniture $399+

Click here:

Look for $25 gift card coupon with a transferred prescription in their ad.

Sale through Tuesday.
Apples – 3 lb – $2.50
Asparagus – $1.49/lb
Pierre’s ice cream – $3.33
GE Wireless alarm kit – $19.99
GUM toothbrush 2 pack – .99

Sale through Saturday:
20% off 1 Qualifying Supply Item (Excludes all Technology, Ink, Toner, Sale Priced Paper, Furniture, and Cleaning and Breakroom items) Online only! Use Code: SAVE20ODOMX10 – 3/1/15 – 3/7/15
Buy 2 Get 1 Free – ALL 10 Ream Case Paper, Limit 2 – 3/1/15 – 3/7/15
SUPER SEATING SALE! Save up to $100 Select Chairs PLUS Save up to $200 on Select Furniture – 3/1/15 – 3/7/15
3 Days Only! (Sunday-Tuesday) – Brenton Studio® Briessa Mid-Back Chair; Save $70, Now $59.99! Realspace® Salsbury Bonded Leather Chair; Save $90, Now $89.99! – 3 Days Only! 3/1/15 – 3/3/15
FREE GIFT when you buy a Keurig® 2.0 Brewer – 3/1/15 – 3/7/15
Free $20 Office Depot® Gift Card when you buy 2 HP Toners – 3/1/15 – 3/7/15
Buy 2 Get 1 Free – Select Office Supplies – 3/1/15 – 3/7/15
Save $100; Now $229.99! Dell Inspiron 14 3000 Series Laptop (14″,2GB,500GB,E1) – 3/1/15 – 3/7/15
Save $50; Now $149.99! HP LaserJet Pro M201dw Printer – 3/1/15 – 3/7/15
Save $150; Now $399.99! HP Pavilion TouchSmart Laptop (15.6″Touch/4GB/500GB/i3) – 3/1/15 – 3/7/15
Free Delivery On Qualifying Orders $50 Or More

Click here:

Starting 2/27: 30% Off your purchase, online & in stores, at Old Navy. Use code: PREVIEW. 40% Off you purchase with your Old Navy Card. Use code: STYLE. Ends 3/1. Restrictions apply.

Starting 3/2: SPRING SALE – UP TO 40% PANTS, JEANS, TOPS & MORE. Online & in stores, at Old Navy. Ends 3/13. Restrictions Apply.

Starting 3/2: Old Navy Style Preview! 20% Off, online & in stores, at Old Navy. Use code: PREVIEW20. Or, 30% Off with your Old Navy Card. Use code: STYLE30. Ends 3/4. Restrictions Apply.

Click here:

$7 off your order of $70 or more at!

Check out What’s on Sale at Petco online!

Save up to 50% off on Midwest crates at

Click here:

Sale through Saturday.
wyb = when you buy
Zantac 24-30 ct – FREE after mail-in rebate at plus use $4 coupon found at
Mucinex Allergy 30 ct – FREE after rebate in last week’s Smart Source coupon insert
Almay Color + Care Lip Balm, Liquid – .77 after 40% off sale and $3 coupon
Garnier Fructis Shampoo or Conditioner or Stylers – .58 after $3 UP Reward wyb 4 and four $2 coupons
Loreal Advanced Hair Care Shampoo or Conditioner 12.6 oz and select stylers – .99 after $2 coupon and February Video Values coupon
Always Discreet Liners 30-48 ct – $1.16 after $5 UP Reward wyb 6 and four $3 coupons (Rite Aid only allows 4 like coupons)
Dry Idea Advanced Dry Antiperspirant & Deodorant – $1 after BOGO sale and $1 coupon (Rite Aid only allows one coupon on BOGO sales)
Jergens Skin Care – $1.99 after $2 UP Reward wyb 2 and $3/2 coupon found at and February Video Values coupon
Noxzema Shaver – 4 razors – $1.49 after $2 in-ad coupon and $2 coupon
Right Guard Total Defense 5 Power Stripe Antiperspirant & Deodorant, Invisible Solid, Fresh Blast Bonus, 2.6 oz – $1.35 after BOGO sale and $2/2 coupon
Nivea Lip Care, Refreshing, Mint & Minerals, 0.17 oz – .99 after $2 in-ad coupon
Clean & Clear Skin Care – $1.99 after $4 UP Reward wyb 2 and two $1 coupons
Swiffer Duster Kit – $1.99 after $2 coupon found at
got2b Hair Care 2-8.5 oz – $1.99 after $2 coupon

Get multiple deals! Many of the deals have a limit offer of 2 and sometimes more. Check the circular or price tag at the store to find out the limit offer number.

Look for $25 UP reward coupon with a transferred prescription in their ad – UP rewards expires in 2 weeks.

Join Rite Aid’s Wellness program to get these rewards:
Earn one point for every dollar you spend on non-prescriptions.
Earn 25 points for every prescription you purchase.

Member Benefits Level Status:
Plus – up tp 249
Bronze – 250 points
Silver – 500 points
Gold – 1000 points

Members-only sale pricing.
Load, manage and redeem coupons and +UP Rewards with Load2Card.
Register Rewards on qualifying purchases.
24/7 exclusive access to a pharmacist at 1-800-RITE-AID or
Upromise® Participation.
10% off Rite Aid Brand every day for a year and a 10% off shopping pass with Bronze status.
10% off the entire store for a year with Silver status.
Free health and wellness reward at 500 points with Silver status.
20% off the entire store for a year with Gold status.
Click here for more information:

Get the Rite Aid Video Values coupons at Watch short videos and get coupons!

March Deals with online Coupon Code where applicable:

Buy 2 Get 1 Free As I Am Coconut CoWash – 444630
Buy 2 Get 1 Free Ion Color Brilliance Brights Semi-Permanent Hair Color – 444701
$7.29 Yellow Stopper Top Coat .5oz
Buy 2 Get 1 Free Beyond The Zone Turn Up the Heat Flat Iron Protection Spray – 444659
Free GiGi Facial Honee Wax 8 oz with purchase of GiGi Space Saver Wax Warmer – 444837
Buy 2 Get 1 Free MetaGrip Bob Pins – 444599
$4.69 Cina Gold Nail Striping Tape
$8.79 Shimmer Lights shampoo 16 oz
Buy 2 Get 1 Free Beyond The Zone Rock On Volumizing Powder – 444659
$64.99 Jilbere By Conair Professional Nano Silver Ceramic Ionic Flat Iron 1 1/4″
$59.99 Tool Science Nano Silver Lightweight Hair Dryer
Free China Glaze Nail Lacquer with purchase of China Glaze Gelaze – 444881
Buy 1 Get 1 Free Seche Vite Top Coat and Seche Clear Base Coat – 444887
Save $3 on Gelaze Gel Necessities kit – 444886
Free China Glaze EverGlaze Active Top coat with purchase of 2 EverGlaze Extended Wear Nail Color – 444154
Buy 1 get 1 free full size iThrive Hair Care up to $10.99 – 444672
Free One ‘n Only Argan Heat Curling Iron up to $43.99 with purchase of any One ‘n Only Argan Heat Flat Iron – 444811
Save $10 on One ‘n Only Argan Heat Hair Dryer – 444810
Save $10 on any Hair Dryer $30 – $59.99
Save $15 on any Hair Dryer $60 or over
Save $5 on any Hair Dryer under $30
Save $2 on Just for Me Kits – 444647
Free Festival Flare cross Body Bag with purchase of 3 full size Silk Elements products (excludes packettes) – 444636
2 for $14 Zotos 180PRO full size Hair Care
Buy 1 get 1 50% Off Tanwise Self-Tanning Products
Buy 1 Get 1 50% Off Heel To Toe Pedicure Treatments
Buy 2 Save $3 on Ion full size Styling Products or Hair Spray
Free FingerPaints Base Coat with purchase of any 2 FingerPaints Nail Color .5 oz
Buy 1 Get 1 FREE Wella Color Charm Permanent Gel
Buy 1 Get 1 FREE Wella Color Charm Demi-Permanent Hair Color
$69.99 Satin Strands Remy Human Hair Tape-In Extensions 20 pc, 18″
Save $3.99 FingerPaints Nail Treatments
Buy 1 get 1 50% Off Beyond Belief Skin Care
Buy 2 Get 1 Free Face Secrets Cotton Puffs, Rounds, Wedges, Applicators, Sponges, Cosmetic Brushes
$9.99 Hair One Cleansing Conditioner 12 oz.

Click here:

New store opened in Eastlake in the old Walgreens on Vine Street
Look for free gallon of milk with $10 purchase and two free Grissom white bread coupons in ad in the Eastlake area ad
Mantias pasta sauce – .99
Mantia macaroni – .89
Flour – 5 lb – $1.69
Fairground hot dogs – .79
Strawberries – 1 lb – $1.99

2/26-3/1 – Extra 10% off Truck Load Event!
Save 45% On Wall Ovens at Sears Outlet!
30% Off Mowers and Tractors at Sears Outlet!
Save 45% On Built in Microwaves at Sears Outlet!
Save 30-35% On Ranges at Sears Outlet!
Save 30-35% On Top Freezers at Sears Outlet!
35-50% Off Bottom Freezer And French Door Refrigerators at Sears Outlet!
Craftsman 94 pc. Mechanic’s Tool Set for $49.99 at Sears Outlet
50% off Black & Decker Digital Iron
Save 30% on Thermos 4 Burner Gas Grill with Side Burner!

Click here:

Sale through Saturday.
Get $4 back in Staples Rewards per recycled cartridge with qualifying HP Ink or Toner purchase! Valid 3/1 through 3/15
Save 41% on Copy Paper now only $26.99. 4 days only – Valid 3/2 through 3/5
Kleenex Cottonelle Ultra Soft Bath Tisue 48/pack now only $24.99 Reg $43.79! Valid 3/1 through 3/7

Click here:

Sale through Wednesday.
Located next to Gale’s Garden Center in Willoughby Hills.
Bananas – 29 cents/lb
Idaho Potatoes – 5 lb – .99
Strawberries – 1 lb – $1.50
Iceberg Lettuce – 2/$1
Apples – .99/lb
Brocolli – each – .99
Roma Tomatoes – .89/lb

BIG Deals on Living Healthy at Walgreens

Sale through Saturday.
wyb = when you buy
Bai 5 Drink 18 oz – FREE after $1.49 Register Reward
Gluten Cutter 30 ct – FREE after $10 Register Reward
Garnier Hair Care 10.2-13 oz or select Stylers – .08 after 3000 max Balance Rewards Points wyb 3 and three $2 coupons
Crest Pro Health Mouthwash 16.9 oz – .50 after $1.50 Register Reward and $1 coupon
Crest Toothpaste 4-6 oz select varieties – .75 after $1.50 Register Reward
Oral B 3D White or Cross Action Toothbrush – .75 after $1.50 Register Reward and .75 coupon
Tresemme Hair Care 28 or 32 oz or select Stylers – $1.37 after 1000 max Balance Rewards Points wyb 2 and two $2 coupons
Ensure Shakes 4-6 ct – $2.49 after $2 Register Reward wyb 2 and two $3/2 coupons and $3/2 store coupon from Walgreens Answers Nutritional Drinks & Shakes Booklet
Orville Redenbachers Popcorn Pop Up Bowl 3 ct – .88 after 1000 max Balance Rewards Points wyb 2 and $1/2 coupon
Glade Candle 3.8 oz, PlugIns Refill, Wax Melts 6 ct or Spray 9.7 oz – $1 after $2 Register Reward wyb 2 and $1 coupon found at
Colgate Max Fresh Toothpaste 6 oz or Total Toothpaste 4.2 oz – $1 after $3 Register Reward wyb 2 and two .50 coupons
Edge Shave Gel 6-7 oz or Skintimate – .88 after $10 Register Reward wyb 9 and nine $1 coupons
Schick Hydro Shave Gel 8.4 oz – $1.04 after $10 Register Reward wyb 8 and eight $1 coupons
Nivea Body Wash 16.9 oz – $1.75 after BOGO sale and $1.50

$15 OFF Photo Orders of $30+ with Coupon Code: 15DEAL30
35% OFF Prints with Coupon Code: PRINTDEAL35
FREE Standard Shipping on Photo Orders $25 with Coupon Code: FREE2HOME25
40% OFF Prints & Enlargements with Coupon Code: LITTLE2BIG
25% OFF Photo Gifts with Coupon Code: GIFTPIC25
Get 20% Off Contact Lenses with Coupon Code: CONTACTLENS20

Click here:

Join Balance Rewards to earn points on thousands of items, including every prescription and immunization. Purchase items in-store or online to earn points. Redeem points for dollar rewards that you can get instantly at the checkout.
Click here to get enrolled:
Walgreens Reward Program

• Save on sale items with card
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• Earn points on thousands of items each week
• Get 10 points for every mile when you Walk with Walgreens
• Redeem instantly with as few as 5,000 points

Points System
5,000 – earn $5
10,000 – earn $10
18,000 – earn $20
30,000 – earn $35
40,000 – earn $50

Get coupons just like the ones in the Red Plum inserts.

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Get ecoupons and more on Saving Star. Just enter in your loyalty card accounts then click on the coupons you want and you’ll get the savings once the item is purchase (can still use manufacturer or store coupon on item). Accumulate the savings and then send it to your PayPal account or other account. Every Friday is Freebie Friday. Get an item for free once you activate the item online and purchase it at a linked loyalty card store.

Here are the store’s that are participating with Saving Star:
A&P, ACME Markets, Albertsons, Baesler’s Market, Baker’s, Bashas’, Big Y, BI-LO, Brookshire’s, Buehlers, C&R Supermarkets, City Market, Copps, Country Mart, County Market, CVS, D&W Fresh Market, Dillons, Dollar General*, Dorothy Lane, Family Dollar*, Family Fare,Family Owned Markets, Farm Fresh, Festival, Food City, Food Emporium, Food Lion, Foodtown, Fred Meyer, Fry’s/Fry’s, Marketplace, Gerbes, Giant Eagle, Giant Food Stores, Giant/Martin’s, Glen’s Markets, Hannaford, Harris Teeter Food Markets, Harvey’s, Hen House, Homeland, Hy-Vee, Ingles, Jack’s SuperValu, JayC, Jewel-Osco, JustSave, Kennies, King Kullen, King Soopers, Kings Super Markets, Kmart, Kroger, Lofinos, Lowes Foods, Main Street Market, Mariano’s, Marsh, Martin’s Food Markets, Martin’s IGA Plus, Martin’s Supermarkets, Meijer*, Metro Market, Omalia’s, Owen’s, Pathmark, Paul’s, Pay Less, Peapod, Pick ‘n Save, Piggly Wiggly in SC or GA, Piggly Wiggly in WI or IL, Price Chopper (KS and MO), Price Chopper (Northeast), QFC, Rainbow, Ralphs, Reasor’s, Redners, Reid’s, Remke bigg’s, Rite Aid, Roche Bros., Ron’s, Sav-A-Center, Shaw’s, Shoppers Food & Pharmacy, ShopRite, Shurfine, ShurSave, Smith’s, Star Market, Stater Bros. Markets, Stauffers of Kissel Hill, Stop & Shop, Sudbury Farms, Super Fresh, Tadych’s Econofoods, Target*, The Food Emporium, Tops Markets, VG’s, Village Market, Waldbaums, Walgreens*, Walmart*, Wegmans, Weis Markets, WinCo Foods*, Winn-Dixie

This week save 20% on lettuce with SavingStar’s Healthy Offer of the Week!
Save 100% when you buy ONE (1) 1lb. box of Domino® or C&H® Brown Sugar. Check back every Friday for a new Freebie! Expires 3/1/2015. One time use only.

Click here to get the coupons:

All You 12 issues for $1.66 300x280

Special Savings Offer! Get ALL YOU for Only $1.67 an Issue + 101 Money-Savings Tips! Offer ends 3/3.

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Weekly Deals for Annual subscriptions:

Take an Additional 25% Off Birds & Blooms Magazine. Use Coupon Code SPECIAL25 During Checkout. Just $10.46 for 1 Year!
A Great Magazine at Just the Right Price!

Take an Additional 25% Off Discovery Girls Magazine. Use Coupon Code SPECIAL25 During Checkout. Just $11.71 for 1 Year!
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Take an Additional 25% Off Spirituality and Health Magazine. Use Coupon Code SPECIAL25 During Checkout. Just $10.46 for 1 Year!
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Outdoor Photographer Magazine Just $2.99 for 1 Year at Best Deal Magazines, March 2nd Only – Use Coupon Code 15CJ0308 and Save an Additional 15%!
Parent & Child Magazine Just $2.99 for 1 Year at Best Deal Magazines, March 3rd Only – Use Coupon Code 15CJ0308 and Save an Additional 15%!
Yoga Journal Magazine Just $2.99 for 1 Year at Best Deal Magazines, March 4th Only – Use Coupon Code 15CJ0308 and Save an Additional 15%!
Bowhunt America Magazine Just $2.99 for 1 Year at Best Deal Magazines, March 5th Only – Use Coupon Code 15CJ0308 and Save an Additional 15%!
Bridal Guide Magazine Just $2.99 for 1 Year at Best Deal Magazines, March 6th Only – Use Coupon Code 15CJ0308 and Save an Additional 15%!
Family Fun Magazine Just $2.99 for 1 Year at Best Deal Magazines, March 7th Only – Use Coupon Code 15CJ0308 and Save an Additional 15%!
Nylon Magazine Just $2.99 for 1 Year at Best Deal Magazines, March 8th Only – Use Coupon Code 15CJ0308 and Save an Additional 15%!

Take An Additional 15% Off at Best Deal Magazines. Enter Coupon Code 15CJ0308 During Checkout. Offer expires March 8, 2015.
250+ Magazines under $10 with this coupon!
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30+ Popular Magazines – Just $5.24 with this coupon!

Take an Extra $5 off $30 at Best Deal Magazines. Enter Coupon Code SAVE5CJ0308 During Checkout. Offer expires March 8, 2015.

Take an Extra $7.50 off $40 at Best Deal Magazines. Enter Coupon Code SAVE750CJ0308 During Checkout. Offer expires March 8, 2015.

Take an Extra $10 off $50 at Best Deal Magazines. Enter Coupon Code SAVE10CJ0308 During Checkout. Offer expires March 8, 2015.

Take an Extra $15 off $70 at Best Deal Magazines. Enter Coupon Code SAVE15CJ0308 During Checkout. Offer expires March 8, 2015.

Click here:

Get these deals and more for annual subscriptions. Use code JOETHECOUPONGUY to get an additional 20% off on selected magazines!

Daily Deals for annual subscriptions:
Mon, Mar 02 Subscribe to Muscle & Fitness, just $4.99/year! Use Promo Code: 1777
Mon, Mar 02 Subscribe to Vanity Fair, just $9.99/year! Use Promo Code: 8515
Tue, Mar 03 Subscribe to Dwell, just $4.99/year! Use Promo Code: 4002
Tue, Mar 03 Subscribe to Yoga Journal, just $4.99/year! Use Promo Code: 1431
Wed, Mar 04 Subscribe to Boys’ Life, just $4.99/year! Use Promo Code: 2304
Wed, Mar 04 Subscribe to Allure, just $4.99/year! Use Promo Code: 7894

Save 10% OFF at DiscountMags! Use promo code: WINTER10

Save $5 OFF your order of $30+ from DiscountMags! Use code: 5OFF30

Amazing Magazine Subscriptions with No Auto Renewals, No Sales Tax, and Free Shipping on Any Order (No Minimum) at DiscountMags!

Click here to order:

Click on ‘Offering a Deal’ under Features to find discounted local business deals on Yelp.

CLEVELAND Deals from Specials by

Click here:

Get a free short stack of buttermilk pancakes on March 3rd from 7 am to 10 pm to celebrate 10 years of giving on National Pancake Day. They suggest a donation to the Children’s Miracle Network.

Buy one appetizer at $12 each (per person) and get free refills of your choice. Valid on select items only. At participating restaurants for a limited time. Dine-in only. One offer per person, per visit. Not valid in conjunction with any other coupon, promotion or discount. While supplies last. Tax and gratuity not included.

Sportclips – Euclid Avenue in Willoughby next to Panera
Save-A-Lot – Eastlake
Heinen’s – downtown in the old Ameritrust building – great to see a mainstream grocery store opening downtown – usually 20K people are needed living downtown to make it viable for stores like Heinen’s to make it, but there are 13K living there now – parking may be an issue, but for those living downtown it is less of a concern – I think I should set up a personal shopping cart corner business there as they will sell like hotcakes.

Frankie’s Italian Cuisine – Westlake
Holy Craft – West 6th – weren’t even open a year.
DVine – St Clair – might be reopening – sign was vague

Good Cents – all their stores are closing! Looks like their “Aldi-like” concept didn’t work. The store in Eastlake even expanded so it lost it’s small format feel. Plus with a full service deli they were trying to be more than just a basic store. No doubling coupons didn’t help either. Their small ad was similar to Aldi’s ad with more store brands advertised, but their produce deals started to dwindle and that is what they needed in order to compete with them. Plus their “freebie” deal coupon went by the wayside that gave them an edge. The Eastlake store will close on or before March 26th. Giant Eagle owns Good Cents.


Listen at 7:18 AM on Wednesdays to WINT 1330 AM as I go over the deals of the week on the Wake Up Lake County Show. Go to to listen to old podcasts or to listen live.

You can Like The Coupon Guy on Facebook at

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© COPYRIGHT 2015 – Joe Daugirdas
Disclosure: This blog accepts forms of compensation. The compensation received may influence the advertising content, topics or posts made in this blog.

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