How could a kid ever resist – For $1.25 you can you can a bowl full of happiness with creatures that are eager to please. I’d like to train mine to do household chores and to sing in three-part harmony to lull me to sleep at night.
Sale now extended to 9:09 PM on 9/13 – Get 90% Off!!! First time ever at 90% off. If you’ve never bought one, now is the time. A $25 gift certificate will cost only $1 (originally $10)! Other amounts available. Find restaurants across the U.S.
When checking out use code: NINETY
Click here:
Click here for a coupon to get a $25 gift card at CVS when you transfer a prescription to their store:
They are closing the Mentor, OH store. They are exiting 8 markets including Cincinnati while closing 26 stores across the U.S. Sale prices are 20% to 30% off. They used to do more coupons in the past and stopped that some time ago. Wonder if that had an effect on whether people shopped there. I know I didn’t go in there as much when they didn’t entice me with coupons. I would’ve probably gone there more if they allowed me to pop all the bubble packaging wrap too.
New September coupons available. Some good coupons for doubling. Seems like more stores are taking internet coupons. Hope it stays.
Click here:
They are giving a 5 cent discount on Saturday and Sundays in September when you use your Speedy Rewards card. Also remember that you can get a gas card for Speedway at Marc’s that will get you 10 cents off per gallon. While you’re filling up, if your kids need to find a science project for school, have them test the bacteria in the gas station bathroom and the handles of the gas pumps. Might be a good chance that the bacteria culture will bloom into a spore wonderland ruled by a colony of sea monkeys. When I was in Croatia recently they had a container of disposable plastic gloves at gas stations for customers to use, so they were onto it.
Bananas – 33 cents
Gala Apples – 77 cents/lb
Pears – 69 cents/lb
I just coughed. Not a very productive one. Just a minor clear-my-throat kind of cough. You’re saying to yourself now, Joe we appreciate hearing about your latest cough, but it doesn’t rate very high on my things-I-need-to-know-right-this-very-minute scale. Well, the reason I’m posting this is because it would rate very high on Facebook and Twitter. On Facebook or Twitter people want to know when you did your laundry, what’s for dinner, or your latest dilemmas. …and when you coughed.
I just took a sip of my coffee. It was slightly tepid. I know you would have liked to know that too. So when people read things about you it’s like reading your diary. Or sort of like your mind diary. What has got your brain preoccupied. It’s like your 411 to the world and you have something important to tell the world whether it be trivial, meaningful, or all surfacy.
Pictures are good too because it tells me what you want people to think about you. Once I get a chance to put a picture up of myself on my Facebook page, it will be of me smoking a corncob pipe looking very smart with a fedora on my noggin tilted to the right and I will be letting out a hearty laugh. Next to me will be a Cape Buffalo and my cats playing Go Fish while wearing ZZ Top beards. The mystery behind it is what am I laughing so hard about. I think I’m gonna make pasta for dinner. Oh, and I just coughed again.
Get your money’s worth out of the Entertainment book and buy the 2010 book now. Book expires in Nov. 2011 – some coupons expire 12/31/2011. Free shipping.
Always remember to keep coupons and coupons books in your car – how many of you walk to the store? Yes, most of us take our ride to the store. And how many leave your coupons on the kitchen counter? If you keep them in the car, you can always step out of the store and into your car to get your coupons. Make it a habit to keep them in your car. You have to do it 26 times in order for it to be a habit though.
To order a book click here:
The new Our Town and All Around coupon books are now available. Get your money’s worth out of the book and buy the 2010 book now. Book expires in Dec. 1, 2011. If you go to a couple restaurants a year you should get your money’s worth back. Check out what’s new in the book at Check out the larger winery section and golf section. Lotsa great restaurant coupons. You’ll probably pay for the book in two restaurant visits. The book now costs $28 plus $2 shipping and handling for a total of $30.
Click here to order:
Order my new Savvy Shopper booklet. Over 150 pages long. Find thousands of new ways to save money. Costs $13 (includes shipping & handling)
Click here to order:
All the library classes are free. Most will request that you register for the class. Check the tab labeled SCHEDULE on my site to see the latest schedule.
If you’d like to book Joe for a speaking engagement, please contact him at
Sept 17, 2009 – Thursday – 7:00 to 8:30 PM – Parma Snow Library
Sept 21, 2009 – Monday – 7:00 to 8:30 PM – Richmond Heights Recreation – Kiwanis Lodge
Sept 28, 2009 – Monday – 7:00 to 8:30 PM – North Olmsted Library
Oct 5, 2009 – Monday – 7:00 to 8:30 PM – Parma Hospital
Oct 8, 2009 – Thursday – 7:15 to 9:15 PM – Lakeland Community College – $29 fee – Call 440-525-7116 to register
Oct 12, 2009 – Monday – 6:30 to 8:00 PM – Wadsworth Library
Oct 14, 2009 – Wednesday – 7:00 to 8:30 PM – North Coast International Association of Administrative Professionals
Oct 22, 2009 – Thursday – 7:00 to 8:30 PM – Orville Library
Nov 5, 2009 – Thursday – 7:00 to 8:30 PM – Painesville Morley Library
Nov 9, 2009 – Monday – 7:30 to 8:30 PM – North Olmsted Early Childhood PTA
Nov 17, 2009 – Tuesday – 7:00 to 8:30 PM – Strongsville Early Childhood PTA
Dec 3, 2009 – Thursday – 7:00 to 8:30 PM – North Royalton Library
Feb 9, 2010 – Tuesday – 7:00 to 8:30 PM – Rocky River Early Childhood PTA
Feb 10, 2010 – Wednesday – 7:00 to 8:30 PM – Brecksville-Broadview Heights Preschool Mothers Club
Mar 1, 2010 – Monday – 8:00 to 9:30 PM – North Royalton Early Childhood PTA
Mar 10, 2010 – Wednesday – 7:30 to 8:30 PM – Fairview Park Early Childhood PTA
May 5, 2010 – Tuesday – 10:30 AM – Brookpark Seniors
Loved the sea monkeys ad – that brought back memories.
Thanks for putting that up
Just found your website, it looks very intersting. I was wondering when you are going to have another class in the Wadsworth area… Thanks, Sarah
Hello Sarah,
I was in Wadsworth just recently. They may not have me back for a little while. However, call the library or another one close by and request me to come back and they may get me there sooner. Just have them e-mail me at Thanks and enjoy the site!