I make lists when I’m bored. Helps keep the world in order for me.
Top ten things to shout out in line at a store:
10) Is this the line for the free hemorrhoid screening?
9) Boy am I glad to be out of jail!
8) Do you want to see pictures of my latest operation?
7) Free kittens here! Free kittens…
6) Wow, who is the person here that smells real bad?
5) Do you want to see what I have in my pockets?
4) So what do you need that neosporin for?
3) Can someone please massage out the knot I have on my back.
2) Gather around everyone! I’m about to give birth!
1) I can’t wait to ask out the cashier for a dinner date! How do I look?
The nice thing about this is that they might help you move up in line…
Bonus: Put your arm around the shoulders of a person next to you for added effect…
Grapes – 79 cents/lb
Milk – $1.49/gallon
Look for coupons in the weekly ads for the following:
Rite Aid – get a $25 gift card when you transfer a prescription to Rite Aid
K-Mart – get a $10 gift card with a new or transferred prescription
Free after register rewards:
Murine Ear Drops
True North Crackers – plus use $1 coupon to make money
Wednesday – coupon for free developing of a roll of film.
Irish Spring soap – $1.50 for an 8 pack after register rewards and .50 coupon
Find coupons on this site. Some good coupons for doubling.
Click here:
50% off one item coupon in ad. Also a 60% off framing coupon.
Free after extra bucks:
Dyna Pep Energy Micro-shot
Colgate – free after extra bucks and $1 coupon
They quoted me in a story about coupons in the USA Weekend magazine that they put in some Sunday newspapers. Locally, it was in the Lake County News-Herald. The magazine goes to about 25 million people.
To expand on the story, I like to tell parents with little time to do coupons to get their kids involved with cutting coupons and matching the coupons to deals in the ads. It teaches kids a great lesson on saving money. Parents will save because they will be using coupons – give half to the kids to buy what they want within reason or to save for college. It will keep them from bugging you to buy items. They will get better at math. And they will be sure you don’t forget your coupons on the kitchen counter!
Here is the link to the story:
Get Special Online Discounts September 14-18 from 12-4pm(EDT), for special, limited time offers.
Click here:
Get the Entertainment book on sale at 10% off with free shipping from 9/14 thru 9/20.
I typically save over 70% when I go grocery shopping. If an item is 60% off or less, I typically won’t buy it. Now, that doesn’t mean I’m just buying unhealthy processed foods on the cheap. I find bargains on fruit to meat to corn on the cob. There are coupons out there for everything. This week I bought around $150 of groceries for 80% off or about $30 (had some register rewards print). I got cat food, Lysol cleaning products, Hormel meat, oatmeal, saline solution, coffee creamer, and much more. Stuff I can use.
The key is to buy items that are at least half off and in which you have a coupon for that item. Coupons are usually 10% to 20% off the item. Giant Eagle doubles so I get 20% to 40% off on top of the 50% off. Hence I get 70% to 90% off every time I go shopping.
Most people decide what they are making that week for dinner and they buy accordingly. So if they decide to make Chicken Cordon Blue they buy everything whether it is on sale or not. Instead, ground beef and buns were on sale that week. Hamburger night! Shelve chicken cordon blue until chicken and cordon blue stuff go on sale at least half off. There is always a BOGO (buy one get one free) on meat most every week, so plan accordingly. Stores always have different items on sale so you won’t be buying tripe every week just because it’s on sale.
Growing up I had tripe and sweetbread (cow brain). Little did I know what it was, but I would never touch it now knowing what I ate. The sweetbread was breaded and fried and we had it Sunday mornings usually. I think I like to eat grains, chew my cud, and eat hay now because of it.