If it smells like gas, you may or may not want to light a match.
Even though there is a glut of natural gas in the market, prices spiked this past week. I’ve been waiting to see when it would hit bottom before it would go back up, so now may be the time to lock in a lower gas rate with a supplier. In Ohio, http://www.pickocc.com will calculate comparisons with suppliers apples to apples. And as far as natural gas, if they need more of a supply I know where they can find some…a great amount …after my bean soup dinner.
5 + 2 day programmable thermostat normally $39 – now $24. Great to have for those that leave the house all day for work during the week and are home on the weekends. Studies have shown you can save up to $500 annually on your heating bill with a programmable thermostat. So freeze your pets during the day and save money!
Need a new cell phone power cord or cell phone accessories? Try this site out. I got a cell phone power cord from them for $4 instead of $30. Get up to 80% off on cell phone accessories – use code LABORD20 to get 10$ off on purchases up of $40 or more – use code LABORD10 to get 10% off on purchases of $10 or more – ends 11/15
Click here:
They are changing their name back to Idine on September 27th – http://www.idine.com. This is a great program. You get up to 20% off your restaurant bill (includes tax, tip, meal, and drinks). All you have to do is register your credit card with them. Great when you pay by credit card for a large group. They can be found at http://www.rewardsnetwork.com until the changeover date. The savings will trigger even when you are using a coupon from restaurant.com or any other paper coupon.
Westfield Farms Cheese – shredded and chunk – 8 ounce – $1 – dairy has gotten cheaper as of recent late. I think it’s because they are now using milk from the all-plentiful sparrows.
Tyson boneless chicken – 1.79/lb.
I’m on a roll with these lists…
Top ten things to do while you are in the store:
1) You know how some customers get way too close to you when you are in line. Pull out one of those grocery dividers and put it on the ground in-between each other.
2) Lie on the grocery belt and ask to be rung up and double bagged.
3) Whisper to the person next to you, “Management is watching me.” (have a bunch of lumpy towels in your shirt)
4) Ask the customer behind you to hold your place in line while you go get something real quick. Leave the store.
5) Start eating everything you have in your cart. Ask the person behind you if you can borrow their mustard for a sandwich you’ll be making.
6) Run your library pass through the credit card machine. Hand it to the cashier to try. Then when they tell you it won’t work, give them your comb.
7) Sit on top of one of the beer islands and berate the customers into challenging you to being king of the mountain.
8) Order a cake from the bakery and ask them to write ‘look for tool inside’ on it.
9) Lie inside the beer cooler very still with an I just died look.
10) Sit in a cart and ask people to give you a ride real fast around the store.