Get free antibiotics at Giant Eagle now. Here is a link on it:$jYN5f&om_mid=_BKuSAgB7u9jrgV&
Also check out for discounts on prescriptions. Someone in one of my classes last week said they saved over $400 using them.
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Some stores are just doubling P&G coupons this week. Other stores are more lenient and accepting all coupons. KMart made a booboo on this one. They made it hard for the cashiers and the customers to figure out what coupons they are taking.
I keep an ear open for any cashier that grunts towards the customer. They usually aren’t the nice ones that make it easy for the customer. Ask the cashier if they are good at Go Fish since they will have to be good at matching the right coupons with the right item at the register. There are plenty of nice cashiers – yell out with a heidiho, so that other couponers will go to their line.
There needs to be a Supreme Court of Coupons. There needs to be a law that all coupons must have no expiration dates. And at Giant Eagle the coupons automatically double without having to press any buttons to match the coupon. KMart needs to fix theirs so it automatically doubles. It wastes the cashiers and shoppers time and almost always is incorrect. That needs to go to Coupon Supreme Court too. Judgement for the plantiff.
Click here for KMart coupons:
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Ends: 9/30
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